what is the feasability of using Java3D's scenegraph only...

i’m working on some specialized versions (very slow) of JOGL renderer utilizing things like custom antialiasing and motion blur, and i need some kind of scenegraph to manage my geometry, etc.

i’ve looked around, and seen that JOGL support or mac os x support is up or down from system to system (i.e. xith, jme, etc.).

is it feasible to utilize J3D with out having it actually render the scene?

i noticed that it will not compile for my platform (os x), but mac os x does support 1.3.2. which would give me scenegraph and some basic utils (no shaders, etc.).

has anyone tried this approach? i noticed a thread called renderer design but it’s over three years old… a lot can happen in three years. lol.

thanks in advance for any help

It is not possible to use Java3D without the rendering right now. It can run in headless mode, but that’s not quite the same thing. Wait for 1.5 and it will contain a JOGL renderer, so you should be able to get what you need with that. 1.5.0 build 1 does not seem to contain the JOGL renderer that I could see on a quick inspection.

As an aside, have you looked at Aviatrix3D? We run over JOGL and run on Macs and even under SWT if you want to run with Eclipse.

There is a JOGL version of J3D in progress. Youdl have to ask the J3D guys about when release is planned.

Following that there is some possability that the renderer interface woudl be opened up for ageneral plug-in mechanism.

If you dont want to wait, then the J3D source code is available at java3d.dev.java Be warend though that the way ti talks to the render layer is a bti of a mess in the current release-- thats the main work the guy are doing in porting it to JOGL. Making that layer clean and seperable.