What is resolution option in settings? As I can understand it’s not just scaling, if it affects performance that much. Some :persecutioncomplex: how i can’t find something about it on the Internet, just found this here - http://www.java-gaming.org/topics/how-does-resolution-work/33523/view.html Would be great if there some article about it, especially LibGDX.
Resolution refers to the number of pixels that an image consists of, nothing more. If you use a higher resolution the graphics card has to do more work in the fragment shader stage, thus reducing performance.
In LibGDX the relation between pixels (resolution) and world units is handled by the Viewport: https://github.com/libgdx/libgdx/wiki/Viewports
(The Camera ONLY defines the resolution, not how the world is mapped to the resolution of your game)
It’s confusing at first, but very simple once you understand what it’s all about: You’re defining how units in your game, for example meters or inches, translate to pixels on your screen.
The end goal of this could be being able to define the sprite “player” as 1.80m high and 0.40m wide instead of defining the sprite size as 21x93 pixels or so.
This enables you to calculate physics with real units like meters, kilograms, inches, etc. and automatically translate this to the right amount of pixels on your screen.
You do not have to use real units though, you could also make one pixel map to one world unit so that you can express sprite sizes and movement in pixels, which could maybe be useful in 8bit-retro-pixel-esque games.
Here’s another good explanation: https://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/120722/screensize-vs-worldsize
Very comprehensive, thank you very much. Feels like I want to try some experiments now. :cranky:
This information shows where to focus.