What I did today

Lol, It took me a while to figure what that actually said ;D
Tip: Try spacing out the letters, it will probably make it more readable.

NvsZPUnity doesnā€™t really look good as a title in general. Maybe the project name, but not the title :wink:

I already have a game called Ninjas vs Zombie Piratesā€¦ this is for the 3d version so NvsZP for the name and Unity for the game version name :point:

How about NvsZP 3D :point:

Imo, it doesnā€™t make any sense why you have unity on the logo

Nope Unity is more related to the co-op mode


Edit: The game itself is called Ninjas vs Zombie Pirate - Unity

Way better ;D

Worked on personal game lib.

  • Implemented wave data for geometry.
  • shadowmap works in transparent textures now.


Started to theme my website from Scratch (also moving it from Wordpress to Jekyll)


Also, Iā€™m starting to write my LWJGL Tutorial Series with LWJGL3.

Oh what font is that SHC? Itā€™s very clean.

Oh nice write up. Just a minor correction GLFW is a C library (not C++) and Disruptor is no longer a required dependancy and the jar will be removed from the package soon.

I prototyped 2D shadows. Theyā€™re nice and fast.

Thanks, corrected it.

Just designed a 404 error page for my website:


Also wrote second part of my LWJGL Tutorial Series, Window Callbacks.

Got inspired by basil_'s nested noise. ::slight_smile:

I pondered, and decided to call it: drought (orā€¦ dried smudged clay).

As you can see, this is really powerful stuff. With little effort you get interesting patterns. Itā€™s a fair bit of fine tuning but due to the limited amount of code itā€™s quite manageable. After applying diffuse lighting (simple N dot L) on the generated heightmap you get a good sense of the ā€˜textureā€™ of the material.

			PerlinLayer createNoise(int octaves, float range) {
				PerlinNoise noise = new PerlinNoise();
				return new PerlinLayer(noise, octaves, 1.0f / range);

			PerlinLayer ridgeTwister     = createNoise(4, 512.0f);
			PerlinLayer slopeTwisterX    = createNoise(8, 48.0f);
			PerlinLayer slopeTwisterY    = createNoise(8, 48.0f);
			PerlinLayer slopeTwisterZ    = createNoise(8, 48.0f);
			PerlinLayer rollingHills     = createNoise(2, 128.0f);
			PerlinLayer ridgeCreator     = createNoise(4, 256.0f);
			PerlinLayer sparseMultiplier = createNoise(4, 256.0f);

			float noise(float x, float y) {
				float z = PerlinNoiseUI.time;

				float dx = slopeTwisterX.getSmooth3D(x, y, z) * 8;
				float dy = slopeTwisterY.getSmooth3D(x, y, z) * 16;
				float dz = slopeTwisterZ.getSmooth3D(x, y, z) * 1;

				x += dx;
				y += dy;
				z += dz;

				float twister = ridgeTwister.getRough3D(x, y, z) * 128;
				float ridges  = ridgeCreator.getRough3D(x + twister, y - twister, z - twister);

				float valleyMultiplier = (0.5f + 0.5f * sparseMultiplier.getRough3D(x, y, z));
				return ridges * valleyMultiplier + rollingHills.getSmooth3D(x, y, z) * 0.33f;

To give you a sense of the performance: a 512*512 map takes 175ms to render on my crappy workstation, using Java2D, performing noise calculations on the CPU.

@Riven: Looks a bit like crumpled paperā€¦


Just fixed the libgdx controller button mapping for a PS3 controller and I couldnā€™t find it anywhere on the internet so I decided to post here for future refference: (tested on nyko controller):

import com.badlogic.gdx.controllers.PovDirection;

// This code was modified for PS3 Controllers from http://www.java-gaming.org/index.php?topic=29223.0
// With thanks that is!

public class PS3Pad
    public static final int BUTTON_X = 2;
    public static final int BUTTON_O = 1;
    public static final int BUTTON_TRI = 0;
    public static final int BUTTON_SQR = 3;
    public static final int BUTTON_SELECT = 8;
    public static final int BUTTON_START = 9;
    public static final PovDirection BUTTON_DPAD_UP = PovDirection.north;
    public static final PovDirection BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN = PovDirection.south;
    public static final PovDirection BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT = PovDirection.east;
    public static final PovDirection BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT = PovDirection.west;
    public static final int BUTTON_LB = 4;
    public static final int BUTTON_L3 = 8;//unknown / untested
    public static final int BUTTON_RB = 5;
    public static final int BUTTON_R3 = 9;//unknown / untested
    public static final int AXIS_LEFT_X = 1; //-1 is left | +1 is right ; actually right stick
    public static final int AXIS_LEFT_Y = 0; //-1 is up | +1 is down ; actually right stick
    public static final int BUTTON_LEFT_TRIGGER = 6; //value 0 to 1f
    public static final int AXIS_RIGHT_X = 3; //-1 is left | +1 is right ; actually left stick
    public static final int AXIS_RIGHT_Y = 2; //-1 is up | +1 is down ; actually left stick
    public static final int BUTTON_RIGHT_TRIGGER = 7; //value 0 to -1f

Am I able to use that?
I have been needing someone to map out a PS controllerā€¦

Domain deformation. Nice picture BTW.

Yep, wouldnā€™t post it otherwise :wink: