What I did today

I was working on clustering my game’s serwer (TAnima). It works now.

Below htop from cluster of 2 machines each with virtual 4cores x 2GHz and 4GB RAM.
Load: 800 client bots connecting to server and running all the time with freq 5 moves per second.
Server loaded enough to not affect ping (around 22ms on client’s 100Mb/s connection)

I’ve also created load balancer to move connection between serwers along with player’s moving around game levels shards.

Previously I’ve put monolith configuration on 1 machine with virtual 8cores x 2GHz and 16GB RAM. It achieved around 1k bots up and running.


I start feeling that I focus too much on graphics, maybe my game gonna looks better.

Let me know if you wanna me to keep posting time lapse here.

Today I did another greed’s leader and I tried to make him looks like vulture.



Also I start working on map editor, but auto-tiling option is killing me.

Started working on a quick inventory prototype for my game :slight_smile:

All of the features for our next video are done. We’re just polishing the graphics now. Pretty exciting!

Started implementation of a TextArea.
So far you can’t actually type anything into it (no callbacks), but you can add text via methods (insert/append). Text selection is working though!

@Mad Hatter have you tried Aseprite?

No, and for now I don’t have money for it.

You could try GraphicsGale if you’re not already using that. It’s free iirc. A lot of my spriters use it.

Thanks, I will try to figure out how to install on linux.

Another timelapse:



And some character concept arts of sloths demons:

Implemented a CodeArea using the TextArea as a base

Had to do a lot of workarounds because NanoVG doesn’t seem to support mono-spaced fonts very well (tab/enter characters are drawn with boxes). Additionally, NanoVG author refuses to give any default functionality to the tab character, which renders the nanovg drawstring function useless except for drawing single characters. So I used a lot of time today doing that :x But now I get to have a nice text editor AND lwjgl3!

Need to think of a clever way to do syntax highlighting…
Anyone know good of a good way to combine Java objects with strings? Might be interesting to set the text up in such a way as:

text = "Text here" + color(255,0,0) + "This is red"

I put together everything I’ve made in the last 2 weeks, and made this:


For coloring strings you could have hex code colors in the string and then iterate through the string, changing the color/style every time you reach a new color/style.

Text and markup should be separated.

You have a text like: “hello world”, and define markup with: new Markup(“bold-and-blueish”, new Range(3, 7)), to make “lo w” blueish and bold.

This way you can easily change markup of ranges, and have overlapping ranges.

Once this base-layer of markup is done, you can create abstraction-layers that may resemble the design of JTextPane (in Swing) with StyledAttributes, and eventually full blown CSS :slight_smile:

I like that, @Riven. That sounds like the method I will try.

Also implemented a BlurPane today:


Might be useful for in-game ui’s of some sort…

We added modding support via Lua files to Robot Farm recently. Consequently, I realized we were going to need a decent way to modify dialogue in the game (up til now, the game has just had classes that stored the dialogue since it worked). After scouring the internet looking at various branching dialogue editors, I finally decided to make my own since none of the ones I found that were free had the features I wanted, nor were any of them really that stable.

Anyway, I’m calling mine JDialogue. It’ll support exporting to JSON, along with tools for easily making your own exporter, and I’ll probably also have it support Java serialization for other Java projects. There’s no point in arbitrarily forcing JSON when other Java game developers can just directly load a serialized file.

I’ll probably make a thread for it on here with all of the links once it’s done in case anyone else would find use in it. That said, I need to do a lot of testing and make sure there are no weird performance implications I don’t know about first.

Started my implementation of a TreeView

Project loading/saving is complete for JDialogue. I’ve added base-support for Java serialization, working on the JSON support now (exporting is complete, just have to add importing). I’ll be running some tests on it tomorrow to check the viability through some use-cases. Then I’ll see about making a JAR (both a runnable program and an “API” jar for deserializing only). Pretty excited about it, it’s working out really well. My only complaint is how annoying JavaFX is to use. Really makes me appreciate LWJGL way more. But it’s worth the trouble considering that it should just run out of the box this way without any hassle.

Nice Work SkyAphid! Now give us a nice node Editor that i can use as a graphical shader Tool O:-)

When it’s done I’ll post the source code and you can use the UI base to make one! It has RichTextFX installed so it wouldn’t be hard to get it to work, you just have to rip out the dialogue-based code and plug in your shader stuff. It’s fully commented out in pretty deep detail.

Had the work experience kid today at work. We had to use Python to read/write some GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi.

Python sucks. Jeez. How did it ever become popular?

Cas :slight_smile:

Python is a pretty powerful lightweight language.