What I did today


Started to learn Blender as I plan for my next game to be 3D.

All I can say is that not everything in that application is 100% intuitive, but the price is right so who am I to complain.

[quote]not everything 100% intuitive
Wait till you discover that blender is only good at modelling, rigging and rendering and doesnā€™t really cover proper photo-realistic texturing :o
Polygon modelling with blender is great though, youā€™ll definitely love it once you know the most important shortcuts and techniques.

Made a little IDE looking program in lwjgl3 using JFXGL:

Code editor was from RichTextFX.

Only problem is that richtextfx does something that JFXGL doesnā€™t really likeā€¦ resulting in the whole application running at a solid 8 fps :frowning: Running it without lwjgl/jfxgl it runs quite fast.

Guess I still need another GUI solution if I want to keep with lwjgl3 :frowning:

If you knew the sort of games Iā€™m tinkering with youā€™d know this is unlikely to be an issue for me ::slight_smile:

More mockupsā€¦

I finally found my bug in my android gameā€¦ I was totally clueless what caused this weird stuff.

My characters in game perform Actions. In code itā€™s an object, with three methods:

public abstract void setup();
public abstract void process();
public abstract void finalize();

Now finalize got called when the characters finished casting a spell for example, then it substracted the mana cost.
When I turned off the screen on my device sometimes I lost a little bit of mana randomly.

I have overridden the finalize method which gets called by the GCā€¦ Took me a whole day to find thisā€¦

Iā€™ve been using a vaporizer to get off smokes (itā€™s working! 2.5 months without em) and the usb charger port snapped off on it, so I decided to take a look inside. After doing so I decided to build my own because that would be cool right?
Some research, burns, and blown fuses later Iā€™ve got a working unregulated device with a 3D printed casing. Now Iā€™m hooking it up to an Arduino to use PWM w/ the mosfet for variable voltage. Probably gonna add in this Bluetooth chip I have so I can control it from my phone for no other reason than feeling fancy. Kinda hijacked a charger/discharger chip from an external charger I had in order to charge the batteries. This chip has the added benefit of being able to charge my phone as well!
Electrical engineering is a really neat topic.

Iā€™ve also been working on a couple small games for the first time in years for a grant project I was lucky enough to get approved. Using the games to collect data on reinforcement learning patterns in humans. Never thought Iā€™d use LibGDX for research when I learned it years ago!

Living the dream!

Been cramming Java Networking the last few days. My knowledge of the subject prior to this would have to be described as rather shallow. Had to buckle down and read, from the beginning, taking notes as if there was going to be a test, the first four chapters of this online text: Java Network Programming, before I was able to start skipping ahead to the stuff needed for this particular networking task.

A goal was achieved today: I coded a Java Socket that reads motion capture data being broadcast from an application called Axis Neuron. This is the tool/gear being used by KineTechArts (Meetup group of collaborating techies and dancers). The Axis Neuron program has broadcast capabilities. I was able to hook into its broadcast via an InputStream, receiving space-delimited, BVH format Strings.

Next step, parse the data (X, Y, Z, X-rotation, Y-rotation, Z-rotation) to the individual bones. Looks like there are a couple dozen sensors and the data is incoming roughly at 60 fps, but I donā€™t know specifics on frame rates or capabilities yet. I was just thrilled to get readable data after a couple days of thrashing ignorantly and at best getting 501 error messages.

Next, next step: filter the data for use as control lines for various parameters of audio tools that will respond to the dancersā€™ motions.

Wasnā€™t happy with the UI solutions in lwjgl3, so using nanovg I started the process of creating one.

Rerendered the M4A1 sprites with ā€œFilmic Blenderā€ color management, it looks way better, the contrast / lighting is 100x better, like night and day!

Watch this video for an rough explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m9AT7H4GGrA

And try it out:

I donā€™t know when/if they add this as the default option, but i hope soon!

Itā€™s already included in 2.79 since Julyā€™17, though not as default.

Guess i installed it twice then ;D

I happen to watch this video of the blender guru a while ago, should install that addon nowā€¦

I finished a few puzzles today for my new game. I hope to finish and release in a few weeks before I start my final year at uni :clue:



Happy Valentines guys! I made this video from salvaged parts of a paid project that never quite took off. The 3D aspect is running in our Java game engine, NNGINE. The music was done by our friend thatā€™s also doing the OST for Robot Farm.

These are gorgeous!

Testing out a workflow on how to model asteroids and smaller moons, (and getting that into an acceptable size for a game model)
Here a first iteration.
(The crater edges are still way too fuzzyā€¦)

Today I saw a selfie of @princec and went through an existential crisis because he looks nothing like his forum avatar.