What I did today

Having some progress with my beginner targeted C++ IDE:

P.S: Anyone to help me test this? PM me if you are interested.

Brought back JGO, among other thingsā€¦

What happened to JGO?

Huzzah for JGO Resurrection!

I did some spriting and animation today

I (hackishly) changed the basic setup of Coreā€™s in Mercury (JGO Post Here).
Pretty good stuff.

Old boilerplate code would normally look like this:

public class MyClass extends Core {
    Runner runner = Runner.getInstance();

    public MyClass() {

        runner.init(this, 800, 600, false);

    public void init()              {}
    public void update(float delta) {}
    public void render(Graphics g)  {}
    public void cleanup()           {}

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new MyClass();

Now it looks like this:

public class MyClass extends Core {
    public MyClass() {
        super("Example", 800, 600, false);

    public void init()              {}
    public void update(float delta) {}
    public void render(Graphics g)  {}
    public void cleanup()           {}

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new MyClass().run();

You can read more about this here. Not the biggest change in the world, but still neat IMO.

I actually did this two days ago, but I figured I might as well post about it. :slight_smile:

  • Jev

With java about to implement lambda you could utilize this to make your widgets and function calling classes much cleaner (more of an internal upgrade , isntead of nested ifs),such as buttons or clickables , maybe even certain interactions from objects.

After all the pathfinding questions going around recently I implemented A* myself:
(hadnā€™t actually ever done that :persecutioncomplex:)

Red areas are high cost, redder being higher and grey areas are infinite cost, they donā€™t even show up to the algorithm.

Some of it seems a bit wonky, for instance the initial BFS always went crazy, something to do with queue vs. stack floodfill impl.

Paging Riven: [IMG width=ā€¦] doesnā€™t seem to work on gifs now with the blockerā€¦ not super important but it might be any easy fix.

Hereā€™s the code, essentially a 1-to-1 translation of this: http://pastebin.java-gaming.org/30d824f780e1f

I added rebindable keys to my game, as well as increased performance significantly.

Also, for some reason Markusā€™ profile is pretty messed up tooā€¦ http://www.java-gaming.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3168

I finally finished applying to a million internships for Microsoft, Google, Ebay, IBM, etcā€¦

I played around with FBOs, trying to figure out how to use them.

I also added textures and obj loading to my game engine. Now Iā€™m trying to get shadow mapping to work :point:

Crossed out my entire TODO list :smiley:

Cubeworld kids: http://www.anandtech.com/show/8526/nvidia-geforce-gtx-980-review/4

Oh and example already of some of this stuff: http://docs.nvidia.com/gameworks/index.html#gameworkslibrary/graphicssamples/opengl_samples/conservativerasterizationsample.htm

I am home sick but have managed to largely complete my Action system. All of my game entity behavior are wrapped up as Actions which run every update step. So I have a RailGun game entity that has LoadProjectile, ActivateRailGun, DeactivateRailGun, and FireProjectile actions. These actions all inherit from a base Action class and there are method hooks for concrete Actions to override ( onInitialize(), onUpdate, onComplete(), and onFail()). Actions can also have child actions.

I am really liking this approach as it provides a nice, simple way to write and coordinate behaviors amongst multiple game entities.

I made my first channel trailer for my YouTube Channel.


Also have been doing a bit of pixel art and animation for my EduRpg.

Learn some OS programming


Junked my android xml layout clone army.

Started building a new xml layout clone army.

Maybe programatic generation of layouts wasnā€™t such a bad idea?

made some vectorized images of people for an upcoming game

Nice, how far are you into it?