What I did today

I’ve been wanting to try making height map terrain for a long time, pretty rough still but it runs really fast and is satisfying to walk around. Now I’ve learnt how to use meshes that will be very useful for other things.

All of this time spent animating, and I’ve only got about two minutes done! It takes a lot of work to animate interacting objects. Also, please ignore the low quality textures on the model in theagentd’s videos - those are very old UVs and textures made for Terminus that were merely for testing. I promise it’ll look even better in the final version!

I also have Data parser)
it something similar to “xtext”, i wanted use it long ago,
but don’t find the way to use tabs separator for classes,

so i think made something similar but simpler for 2-3 weeks – next I think 2-3 months
and it took 4 months to receive at least runnable model
(it have 3 generations with different syntax ^^)

-here img parser syntax for parse self (current file) ^^
(its notepad++ color highlight)


it works not really fast :frowning: only 3-4mb/s

p.s Every custom language milestone is parser – that can parse itself :wink:
At this point it can parse only Data syntax – without runnable function
I hope one day I reach that milestone =)

up: Upps i look at git log and it took not 4 months it took 10 months OMG
i start it at 09.2016 lol so lame long, i am f**ing moron- how it took so long…
it start from this

and i even don’t want talk about this (time)

its like Doom Limbo XD

I’ll be recording my first EP with my band August 6th-14th and will be taking that entire time off work! I’m really excited, I haven’t taken any kind of a vacation since I started two years ago (wow, time flies!). Also playing some shows/festivals very soon, can’t wait to start playing out more after we finish recording. And then we get to make music videos, so I get to be an actor! :slight_smile: Very exciting.


Next two games are ready for my advent calendar =)


Spend all day fixing 2 bugs in “core eclipse search”)

Disclaimer - I have no idea how eclipse works, I open random plugin in eclipse SDK and start debug it running copy of eclipse – many hrs trying manually find error and fix it,
so after 6-7 hrs I find line of code – if comment it bug disappear
(who knows what I may broke this small change, but I don’t care)
After that I discover similar bug and fix it same way - commenting the line in about 2 hrs)

I don’t want report to Eclipse – because my fixes may be totally garbage,
(and I have no idea how properly report to them)
If they fix it, it be only in last version, and I hate last versions of eclipse
*same like in IDEA some bugs last Ages without fixes (current in eclipse open 300 bugs)
(I also may say that source code of eclipse is nightmare,
and I very happy because java allow changing source code on the fly ^^)

If someone interesting here code with bugs and fixes
(maybe it help someone manual fix it in version they used)
(open plugin list in SDK, right click on plugin – import plug-in as source, debug it)

package pac;
import pac.b1.ns_33;
import pac.b1.c1.ns_1;

public interface ns extends 
	ns_1, ns_33{
package pac.b1;
import pac.ns;

public interface ns_33 {
	class ns_33_C implements ns{
package pac.b1.c1;
import static pac.ns.*;

public interface ns_1 {
 class ns_1_C{
	 ns_33_C b11; // search referece not work

	//		if (needToTag) {
	//			for (int i = 0; i < nextPosition; i++)
	//				interfacesToVisit[i].tagBits |= TagBits.HasNoMemberTypes;
	//		}

package tt;

public interface __ww{
	static public abstract class _WWW_P{	
package tt
import tt.__ww._WWW_P;

public interface _P_Seq{
	static class _Seq{
		public _WWW_P st[]; // search referece not work

	IRestrictedAccessTypeRequestor typeRequestor = new IRestrictedAccessTypeRequestor() {
				public void acceptType(int modifiers, char[] packageName, char[] simpleTypeName, char[][] enclosingTypeNames, String path, AccessRestriction access) {
					if (excludePath != null && excludePath.equals(path))
/*					if (!findMembers && enclosingTypeNames != null && enclosingTypeNames.length > 0)
						return; // accept only top level types
*/					storage.acceptType(packageName, simpleTypeName, enclosingTypeNames, modifiers, access);

figured out how to calculate normals!

I played some live music at a bar serving pizza. Not as cool as procedrually generated geometry :point: but hey, it was a good turnout.

worked on ui

  • found a good use for an arraylist with null spaces. the null spaces represent empty spaces in an inventory.
  • learned more about borders, particular the pop up
  • learned how to do some cool text effects like text shadow and text outline. i feel like a 90s programmer. :smiley:
  • tried doing drag and drop (3rd time in career). finally learned how data flavors works,…mostly.
  • tried mixing flowlayout with scrollpane. highly unsuccessful.
  • tried mixing jlist with scrollpane. Highly successful.

More ui shenanigans.

JDesktopPane is super buggy. If I leave it in, some of my components are invisible until i click a button.

Also saw a reddit post about how bad Terraria’s code is. INSPIRATION!!!

Released a kickstarter for my game!

Really hope I can find an audience :slight_smile:

I’m afraid your audience is sucking gabes tits playing CS:GO right now :persecutioncomplex:
Your game description on kickstarter screams CS:GO in a blender. I don’t get it, where is the selling point?
What’s new and great about this? Why bother backing a clunky prototype on kickstarter, when there’s an abundance of already matured equivalents out there?

Not hating on your project, i love your work, your opengl fps engine is impressive (from a developers viewpoint!) and gets better everyday, but that isn’t what gets you an audience. I just can’t see where this project will get any traction from, especially since i couldn’t see you doing any significant marketing and community building outside of this forum and your website.

It’s unlikely that a totally unknown and unfinished game gets kickstarted without already having a big group of devoted followers.

(Also sorry for off-topic and salty ranting :D)

Oh I dunno, KS critique is interesting :slight_smile:

Here’s what I have to say about the pitch - being a semi-pro indie game developer: $4k is peanuts. Like, nothing. You can hire an actual professional artist for 2 weeks for $4k, and this is a bit at odds with the stated goals. 2 weeks will maybe get you one unrigged model with no UVs or animation. So a bit of thoughtful chin-scratching might be in order on the proposed scope and required funds.

Cas :slight_smile:

I think 8k$ / m for graphical artist is little overprice
You can easily find for 1-2k English speaking globally (not near you)

Or even hire student for 500$ and less, look at their portfolio and choose what they already do as example they make same quality in 90% cases

Or even buy some cheap models with animations and UI in billions markets like Unity
and Use it directly or make small tweaks to change it as you want,
they very cheep 30-200$ for model with rigged animation

+offtop: nice video “New Tech Start-Up Bubble” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7vrCpWbmDw

Yes but that’s at odds with the pitch.

With artists it’s a bit like engineering: reliable, cheap, quality - pick two attributes.

Cas :slight_smile:

Judging by the video, the game looks nearly finished. The polish is already there. A differentiating feature would be interesting. How about one team of players are tiny and they fight the enemy team who are a few giants? With the blowing up gas tanks there’s some room for interesting strategy. An FPS tower defence could also be interesting if it was multiplayer and had such good graphics.

I don’t know too many randomly generated FPS’s on the market. :stuck_out_tongue:
That’s what the game is all about at its core. You cant call it a CS clone because it’s a fps with a bomb gamemode. That’s like calling overwatch a tf2 clone

F**k random freelancers with 4k/m salary
we are not blizzard, we don’t have money on them)
Asset Store