What controller to use?

Can anybody recomend any good gamepads and Joysticks to use with jinput? i need something that’ll work under both windows and linux. usually HID devices tend to work. anybody know of any?

Thanks in advance!

My cyborg 3D Gold stick and wingman cordless gamepad both work everywhere


What is the full product name of this wingman gamepad? i searched amazon and found a bunch of wingman gamepads.

I think it’s this one

It was unavailable. i Got a logitech wingman Extreme with the tilt sensors. It works on my Desktop, but the only problem is that i need a 15 pin gameport to USB adapter if i want it to work on the laptop. I need something that will work on both windows and linux. it would preferrably be HID or not require drivers.

Thanks in advance!!

Anything on windows will require drivers.

You should be fine with any USB gamepad.


I wasn’t fine with a USB xbox controller. what i’m saying is that i’ve already got a gamepad, and i need a gameport to usb adapter for it to work on the laptop.

you guys still there?

The Xbox controller can be kind of weird to use with jInput, but it does work.
You should change to use events instead of polling, though, as most of the axes are bugged.
Also, if you want the triggers to work with DirectInput, you’d have to uninstall the Microsoft drivers and use XBCD instead (this screwed up the axes a bit more for me (now they stay at -1 until they are changed individually, while all axes would change to zero when anything was pressed before)). shrug

Just about any Logitech gamepad or Cyborg should work fine, I’ve also tried no-name gamepads that I bought for a few dollars, and they worked fine too.

I’ve already sold the xbox controller back to gamestop. I’ve tried xncd and several drivers for linux. they failed.

Rightnow i’ve got a logitech wingman extreme with a gameport connector on it. I need a gameport to USB adapter.


Here’s an example of one.
One guy says it didn’t work with his Sidewinder Force Feedback Pro, another guy with different joysticks says it works perfectly. shrug
Guess it might not be compatible with force feedback joysticks.
(Compatible with Thrustmaster FCS, CH Flightstick Pro, 2-4 Axes/4-Function and 2 Axes/8-Function controller.) - Which explains why it doesn’t work with the Sidewinder FF Pro (4 axes, 9 or 10 buttons, one of which was called a shift button which was used to change the function of other buttons, and a POV).

Radio shack apparently has one.

And some other one.