Welcome to 2014!

In the area of game development, what did you achieve in 2013

I’ve learned a minimal set of OpenGL, so I can make use of hardware accelerated graphics now. Still only the very lowest level, but it’s already enough to have much better graphics effects without straining the CPU so much.

and what do you hope to achieve in 2014?

I’ve given up on the big ideas long ago, so it’ll be “the usual”. Try some new ideas, continue to work on old projects when it feels right. Learn to relax better and not put so much stress on myself to achieve something - which never worked the past 15 years and I could as well have been a total slacker with much more fun in life. At least it feel so at times …

Let’s say it this way “I hope to achieve a better work-life balance”. And finally find out what things I really enjoy to do.

What did I achieve in 2013?
Not too much:

  • Joined JGO (only a few days ago :smiley: )
  • Learned LWJGL (OGL <= 1.5)
  • Learned a bit of C++
  • Started making a 3D engine, realized it was too complicated for me, started making a 2D engine
  • Learned how I can actually export my LWJGL games

What do I hope to achieve in 2014?

  • Make a game…(Ludum Dare would count)

  • Participate in at least 1 Ludum Dare competition

  • Learn OGL 2.0 when and if I get a new computer

  • Not give up on and “finish” my 2D engine

  • Spend more time programming

  • Possibly start working on a new 3D engine

  • Possibly participate in 7DFPS (although I don’t know much about that other than “You have to make an FPS game in 7 days”)

Happy New Year everyone!

What did I achieve in 2013?
Not much, but a lot more than I have ever done before:

  • Built my first Java Framework
  • Coded a decent set of libraries (graphics, system, geometry, math)
  • Built something that looks like a game
  • Set up a devlog

What do I hope to achieve in 2014?

  • Finish my First Gametm (At least the first playable release)