Welcom to the JavaFX board

Sun Microsystems continues to make tremendous strides with their, soon to be released, JavaFX platform. Come in here to learn about the technology and hear from the developers at Sun. Anthony Rogers, aNt here at JGO, is one of the JavaFX team members and will be moderating this board. Expect an introduction from him shortly.


Hello everyone- I’m Anthony Rogers (known as aNt for years here in jgo)- been hanging in the background for awhile. Now working here at Sun to make us something we can all use in the way of creating good work. I’m a few versions ahead of the public preview release and the coming release but i’ll try not to bust to many NDA’s and drop as many hints as i can…

Thanks Chris for letting us all chat FX…

If there’s any place to bust NDA’s it’s in here :wink: We won’t tell…

Cas :slight_smile: