Weird erratic pathing movement?

Im trying to fix the up and down erratic movements the pathing makes so it will be more smooth.


package net.gasquake.sentinel.entity;

import net.gasquake.framework.entity.Entity;
import net.gasquake.framework.resources.Screen;
import net.gasquake.framework.util.Tilemap;
import net.gasquake.sentinel.res.Textures;
import net.gasquake.sentinel.states.Play;

public class Enemy extends Entity {

	Tilemap tm;
	Player player;
	Textures tex;
	private boolean triggered = false;
	public Enemy(int x, int y, int w, int h, Tilemap tm, Textures tex, Player player) {
		super(x, y, w, h); = tm;
		this.player = player;
		this.tex = tex;
	public void update() {
		triggered = false;
		if (player.getX() <= x) {
			dx = -2;
		if (player.getX() >= x) {
			dx = 2;
		if (tm.tilemapCollision(this, Play.worldArray, w, h, 48, 0, 0)) {
			dy = -3;
			triggered = true;
		if (triggered == false) {
			dy = 4;
		tm.tilemapCollision(this, Play.worldArray, w, h, 48, 1);
		move(dx, dy);
	public void render() {
		Screen.render(tex.playerRight, this);

This doesnt have anything to do with the collision its just the pathing I think. :confused: Ideas?