Webstart problem on a WinXP PC


A friend of mine installed a current Java 1.5 (_03) JRE on his WinXP and while normal Java apps work, he can’t make Webstart to work.

When he starts Webstart (via the Windows’ Start menu or manually with the javaws.exe) the “Java loading” banner appears as usual, then the main window opens … but it’s just empty.

Same when he wants to start Webstart apps, of course.

How to trace what’s going on?
Unfortunately we didn’t find any related info on the SUN site to this problem.

what exactly does “it’s empty” mean? There is nothing in the window at all? No buttons,menus, listboxes?

Yes exactly, just an empty window.

Strangly enough, non-webstarted Java apps (like executable JARs) do run fine.

So what does Webstart do differently with the JVM compared to normal Java apps ?


ATI strikes again? :frowning:

I’m going to ask my friend to check it with the mentioned ATI reset settings and we’ll se.

Well yes, it’s been another one of those many ATI drivers bugs! :frowning:
New Catalyst 5.7 solves the above mentioned Java Webstart problem!
