Web Site / Game Site Marketing / Promotion?

Any good ideas for promotion / marketing of a small applet game collection?

I have tried submission to dmoz, yahoo, yahoo denmark, jubii (danish yahoo-like portal) - but I am being ignored.

I have a small income from Google Adsense ads on my pages. Is it worth investing in paid submission of say Yahoo? Or is Google Adwords a better bet?

Is there any other thing worth looking into? Link exchange, game specific portals and news sites, posting on message boards …

PS: My games are at:


I think they’re very sweet little applets. Would you like me to plonk one on the front page of Puppy Games? I get about 3-400 visitors a day so I reckon you’ll have a few players.

Cas :slight_smile:

Sounds great.

Maybe we can set up some sort of link exchange between Java game developers?

I can put a link to your site either as alternative adsense ad or at my game listing.

I am getting approxiamately 2000 visitors a day. So I am certainly getting some traffic. The problem is that it is my older games (mr. Platfoot and no hats) that are getting the traffic. The newer games are getting less than 10% of the traffic.

I just sat down and went through this listing of free submission search engines:


Lots of typing. Took me about an hour. I am somewhat in doubt whether it was worth the trouble. (Still haven?t seen any traffic as result of it).

Well, you’ve not submitted anything to http://grexengine.com/sections/externalgames/ which is free and a heck of a lot more targetted than random search engines.

Traffic is only 100 odd visitors a day at the moment, but it’s 100 different a day :).

As far as Web Site Promotion is concerned, you can surely submit your website to several different directories for free.

You should search Google for keywords like “free directory submit site”, “free website directory list” etc etc

This will help you find hundreds of free directories where you can submit your website for free.

As far as paid submissions are concerned, you need to make sure that you are spending your budget aptly on paid submissions. You should make sure to submit to paid directories which are ranking on top of Google , Yahoo, and MSN.

Meanwhile if you want to read some interesting basic articles on SEO you can visit : http://www.seohawk.com/expert_seo_articles.asp

These are basic articles which will help you get basic information about Search Engine Optimization, Adwords, and Adsense. 8)


Heh, first post and it’s a necro :slight_smile:

Cas :slight_smile:

yeah but looks promising if he’s gonna take part in discussions like this :slight_smile:

we should tag all threads older then a year with “dead” or something…