Water - Homemade engine

Just made this water engine.


Run in OpenGL mode (Requries 1.5.0):
java -Dsun.java2d.opengl=true -classpath trackPainter.jar main.RunMe

Run in Software mode:
java -classpath trackPainter.jar main.RunMe

Use left and right click to manipulate the ground.



WHat do you think?

I think that the URL returns an error (in other words, I couldn’t download the jar)

EDIT: Ah, it’s the forum that doesn’t link correctly. Put a http:// before the URL and it should be fine.

EDIT 2: Also, I like the program a lot, however, it needs an application. What’s it for?

Just added http:// to the adress and now it works. Thanks for tellling.

I Dont quite know what game I will make with it yet, just wanted to see how smooth I could made it run. And it seems very smooth to me.

Im glad you like it :smiley:

[quote]…it needs an application…
What do you mean?

Well, I meant, eh, not an application as in “java application”… I meant you need to use it for something, basically. I think that think would make a great editor for a simple Scorched Earth-clone… However, there are multiple other options as well… In fact, I’m interested in the development, so keep me updated, will you? Thanks :wink:
(I have another idea… need to think about it and give it some structure, though, so I’m not telling you yet.)

EDIT: Are you by any chance going to make this open source? If you are, perhaps I could show you my suggestion… it’ll need a little higher resolution (more clickable spots) and it’ll need to be a little quicker, I think… hmm… let me keep thinking for a while :slight_smile:

Hehe, well, I cant really prevent you from decompiling my class files so I guess I doesnt make any difference if I upload the java files or not.so here you go:


I just converted all danish words into english :slight_smile:

Well now you got the source, what is your idea then?

I just removed this code from my paint method and got nice boost:

if(g instanceof Graphics2D){
      Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;

Now i added 5 times more sand without getting any slow down (uploaded to the same link)


I would have understood the danish, I think, since I’m from Sweden. So that white stuff is sand? I thought it was snow :slight_smile:

Now, let’s see… well, my idea seemed ok to begin with, but the more I think about it, the more i dislike it… I might try it out and then send it to you, but I probably won’t, sorry… :frowning:
I suggest you start making a simple scorched earth-type of game as a said before, and using this as the editor - at least until you think of something better to do with it. I’ll keep trying to think of something, as well.

hehe well making a scorch game would be too easy I think, and too unoriginal. i wanna make a better game :slight_smile:

I figured as much, but I mean, you have to do something with it, and this’d make a good start for a map-editor, something that most scorch games lack.

mayve if someone made a scorch game I would make the editor for it

I just changed the behavior of the sand/snow to water and made som graphical improvements.

Uploaded to the same URL


not bad.I could even simulate a tsunami with it and it sort of worked :-/

[quote] not bad
Thanks :smiley:

[quote]I could even simulate a tsunami with it and it sort of worked
Well I know its not the excact water behaviour, but make realistic waves was a bigger project than I could manage. :slight_smile:

I just added a screenshot to the top post of this thread.