Warlock J2ME (Emulated for J2SE)

Wanted to add J2ME to my portfolio for the potential move to the states so I’ve ported Warlock (one of my earliest public java games ;)) to J2ME…

I understand few people will test it simply because its a hassle, so heres a screeny:


The JAR to send to your phone is here:


Its too big (108k) for a normal J2ME game so you’ll need a fairly modern phone to play it, though it should only require MIDP 1.0 (which I’ve been told is the thing to do :)) Seems to work fine on my Sony/Ericsson K700i.

EDIT: You can now play via webstart: http://www.cokeandcode.com/WarlockME/WarlockME.jnlp

Any feedback much appreciated,


There’s a ‘headhunter’ posting on the jobs board for a j2me developer in San Diego if you haven’t checked there lately…

Yeah, I’d noticed, unfortunately if I go, I’ll be living way north of there.

Thanks for the pointer tho,


Works nicely on a N6600, except for a little application error on exit (and maybe ~150k of uncollected garbage, but i’m not sure ;p) and you can still playing after “time up” with the timer in negatives.

Great game, got me addicted for an hour or so ^^

Thanks for trying it! Nice one!

Eeep at the Timer thing! Woops! I’ll fix that… I wonder what the application error is, maybe its the lack of stopped thread or something.

I’ll post a new one soon. Thanks again,


Ok, theres a new one at the above link. This evening I’ve also written a light weight emulator so you should be able to play it direct on the PC aswell… woot!


I’m sure there are existing wrappers but it seemed like something to do :slight_smile:

Now, on to my tactics clone!

EDIT: Seems like the emulator slows down alot as rendering gets more complicated. I’ll stick an accelerated canvas in tommorow.
EDIT2: Or maybe I’ll fix it now. Updated with much quicker emulator.


I’ve got curious about this emulator… what’s all about?

Well when developing with J2ME you get phone emulators (Sun provided, and Vendor Provided) which you can run the PC to check your games against the phones. However, as far as I’m aware, you’re not acutally allowed to distribute them…

So in an effort to get the game played and tested I wrote a quick emulator that just supports the functions of J2ME that I use (MIDP 1.0). This way I can show you guys the phone games via webstart without you having to actually dump the jar onto your phone.

However, the code you’re running is actually the same as the jar you stick on the phone so it should be a relatively fair game play tester.

Does that help at all?


How much work was that to implement?

Took me an evening, but I’m not sure its right yet. Remeber… most of the stuff in MIDP1.0 is available in J2SE anyway… mostly all I had to implement were a bits of javax.microedition.lcdui.

It is of course targeted to working with the two games I’ve currently written for J2ME. Anyone wanna see the second one? :wink:


That’s very nice Kev!

Are you going to release the emulator source?


(He’s brilliant, and we all benefit…)

hey Kev, I think that you would like to see this project:


Cool project, doesn’t seem to be too far along yet, but cool none the less!

I’m not sure you’d want the source for my emulator at the moment, I’m scheduled to be playing J2ME for another few weeks so if it gets to a decent standard I might well release it. At the moment the classes arn’t even close enough to “just use” without a rebuild.

I was considering a LWJGL version :wink:


What about this:

It’s a feature-complete Emulator. Small example-Game here:
http://stuff.wannawork.de/sheeporgasm/ :wink:

Nice! Great emulator! Still not quite what I want but groovy none-the-less.
