Wanna test my game "Burst"?

Hi all,

This is my first time posting here, but I thought I’d give it a shot.

I have a new game: http://www.vendon.net/burst/BurstWebStartClassic.jnlp

If you wanna help me out, you could tell me if it crashes or runs really slowly or anything else you think would be useful for me to know.

It’s Web Start with J2SE 1.4. You can probably run it with something lower than that, but I can’t be held responsible if it doesn’t work. :wink:

If you’re of the type that prefers applets, you can find an applety version here: http://www.vendon.net/games.html


  • Brian

nice twist on an older game, good job!

Runs fine on java1.5b1, winXP, gf4. And yes nice twist on that obscure older game :wink:

It runs fine on a gforce 3/win98/java1.4.2
The game itself is not really interesting and need tweaks
it is:
-too slow
-too easy
-no sound

all those things makes it boring
You really should make it harder! (more colors/faster?)

This is pretty great, nice implementation. Cool game too.

I found the controls a little hard to use.


PS. I think I’m going to start putting this on my signature, have you considered submitting this to the Java Games Factory (http://grexengine.com/sections/externalgames/)

Thanks for all the feedback, guys. I have posted a new version attempting to make the game harder. Originally the blocks fell every 1000ms, getting 25ms faster every level. Now they start at 900ms and get 50ms faster each level. Also the harder goals start appearing much earlier. Does that make the game any less boring or does it need a fundamental change?

About the music: Originally there was a “bing” sound when a ball bounced and a thumping sound when a block landed and such. I found it all really annoying. When I play something like this I’m listening to my own music. Do you think a game like this really needs the beeps?

Also, so many of you refered to this being based on “an obscure older game.” I have no idea what game you are referring to. I’d really like to see it. Is there some online version somewhere I can play?

Thanks again for the comments.

  • Brian

Why not add an options alternative where the player may choose if he wants sound or not? Maybe you could add different dificulty levels also there?

As for the reference I for one was refering to Tetris :smiley: