I’m going to buy a server at 123system.net.
I’m not interested in a big VPS, and I was going to get their $3 a month VPS. I decided to google 123system promo codes, after about 10 mins, I found a 40% off recurring, and a 50% off recurring, the 50% did not work, so I decided to upgrade still to the $6 a month server, which doubled pretty much everything from the $3 one. Stats:
$3.60 a month, $43.20 a year (have to pay per year to get 40% off)
Guaranteed RAM
Burstable RAM
Disk Space
This seems good enough for testing server based games (still completely new to networking) and other random server needed programs to learn.
Before I go ahead and buy it, I thought I should ask what options I should set it too.
In the configure Server, im guessing Hostname and Root Password is kind of the admin password? yes?
And what operating system?
out of all of them, I have only heard of Ubuntu but I have never used any linux operating systems, iv only ever used a Mac and Windows.
Theirs:(all have 32 bit and 64 bit)
CentOS 5.7
Fedora 15
Ubuntu (9.10 , 9.04, 8.04)
Suse 11.1
Slacewave (Only one to only have 32 bit)
Owl Current
And what Control Panel, Webmin or Kloxo/LxAdmin
Thanks, and If anyone is interested, would you mind running me through simple things if needed? or will it be worth while posting on the forums them one person helping?