[quote]This is extremely off-topic, but Damocles, where do you get your images? Those girls are reallllllly cute
From my secret stash ;D
what I hate from lwjgl applet is that it needs download what I already have everytime I load, native files.
and I bet the girl is chinese~
That use to be the case a while back but not anymore. It now has a caching system and automatically only downloads files that have changed since the last time it was run.
Quick related q. - the LWJGL applet system - does it / should it share LWJGL jars with all applets? As in, LWJGL is like an “official” Java extension as it were.
Its possible to share the jars however they’re pretty small by today’s standards (lwjgl.jar.pack.lzma + lwjgl_util.jar.pack.lzma + windows_natives.jar.lzma = 900kb) on average about a 5 second download and they’re only downloaded the first time thereafter the cached versions are used. Many web pages are larger than that these days e.g. the BBC front page is 999kb, the YouTube front page is 956kb, Twitter page is 1.76mb, etc.
Also by using the officially signed LWJGL jars any user trying the games will only ever sees a security dialog once for all LWJGL Applets and JWS Apps (they might have even accepted it in the past). The method described here is probably the easiest way to go and a bit like using an extension.