(logo is a draft)
As a pre-project to the OpenWar engine, we’re working on a 2D Game Engine (for standalone games, no applets), which we will use for various demos.
This engine will provide:
- low-level things like a game loop
- resource management and loading (that is to say, it comes with a simple resource manager, which you are free to use, but you can use something else)
- generic framework for game objects (which have a sprite, position, speed, etc.)
- geometry and collision checking
- particle system
- sound and music system
- input manager
- maybe networking
it will not provide:
- game specific things (such as an inventory, playing cards, weapon system)
The graphics system is implemented trough an interface. The engine is delivered with a Java2D implementation, but other implementation can and will be written. Games are created by importing and extending the engine classes.
Here’s a screenshot of a demo thingy we use for testing (particles are much nicer by now, btw):
To join in the development, go to our “home”