VertexProgWarp Demo

Heya :slight_smile:

This is my first time posting here so if i’m doing something wrong i’m very sorry and please let me know!

I’m a bit of a JOGL newbie so i’m trying to have a play with some of the demos. I can get all of them to run except for the “VertexProgWarp” one, which gives me a popup box with the error “OpenGL Extension GL_Vertex_Program not available” every time.

At first i thought it was maybe something to do with my hardware, but the Java demos page says that the only requirements are “ARB_vertex_program” and i can run the “VertexProgRefract” demo which also has this requirement absolutely fine.

I was just wondering if anybody had any suggestions about what i might be doing wrong?




I think that VertexProgWarp uses another extension not mentioned but not available on your graphics card.

Ah I was afraid it would be something like that, thanks for the head’s up!

The reason i was keen to get this demo working is because I am trying to get some dynamic warping of geometric shapes up and running for a project of mine. (i.e: selecting vertices and moving them around etc) I realise this is quite a complex task, and to be honest i’m not even sure its at all possible with JOGL, but i don’t suppose you by any chance know of any other demos similar to the vertexprogwarp, just to get me started? There seems to be surprisingly little “official” documentation out there!


Why would it be impossible to do with JOGL?

I know only dynamic time warping, maybe it is not what you mean.

I only say that because, from my research so far, it seems pretty difficult to be able to select and manipulate individual vertices of an object. Although I am very new to JOGL so i’m sure theres still lots i haven’t uncovered yet!

Thanks again for your help,i shall check out Dynamic Time warping!

Such an operation is possible in OpenGL and by accessing to the windowing system, JOGL is a Java binding of OpenGL then such an operation is possible in OpenGL. Look at our example, we have some manipulators implemented with JOGL 2.0 and MSG. You can override them to modify the vertices instead of only rotating the selected objects.