version control for ported project.

I am intending to port a project from c++ to java. I would like to be able to keep track of the other project in my repository too, so i can see how it changes and keep my own parallel version updated. I’m using eclipse EGit. any recommendations?

If I understand you correctly, you want to have the source tree of the C++ project, which presumably is managed by git, within your Java project, which is also managed by git.
In this case you can just clone the C++ git repository into a folder within your Java git repository.
There are a lot of projects doing it this way, for example Ogre with its “ogredeps” repository.
Another possibility is to use git submodules and add the C++ git repository as a submodule folder within your Java git repository.
This way you can issue specific git commands to update only that submodule, such as “git pull --recurse-submodules” as well as “git submodule update --recursive”.
Personally, I would however recommend not to pollute your Java git repository with the C++ one, but keep both strictly seperate.
Using Eclipse, you can create a project without a Java nature to simply contain the git repository of the C++ project and another project with Java nature for your Java git repository. Every once in a while you can pull changes from the C++ repository and see what has changed.