Utility Functions for JavaFX Game Development ( lerp, clamp, etc, etc )

i dont know if there are something like this in the forum( just let me know in that case ), here are some functions i created for a project i am working and are usefull for game dev, i am using JavaFX with Canvas only, dunno if they work on swing, any CC or sugestion will gradly received


 * if value is mayor than max value, max value will be returned,
 * if value is minor than min value, min value will be returned,
 * if value is in range between mayor and minor values, then 
 * value will be returned
 * @param value
 * @param minValue
 * @param maxValue
 * @return value will never falls below minValue or goes over maxValue
public static float clamp( float value, float minValue, float maxValue )
    // value must be between minValue and maxValue
    return (value > maxValue) ? maxValue : (value < minValue) ? minValue : value;


 * this function creates linear interpolation depending on argument t,
 * which is the percentage of v0 until v1
 * @example lerp(0, 10, 0.5): will return 5.0, because is the middle ( 0.5 ) between 0 and 10
 * @param v0
 * @param v1
 * @param t
 * @return 
public static float Lerp(float v0, float v1, float t)
    return (1-t)*v0 + t*v1;


 * returns X position of the vector determined by length and angleDirection
 * <b>NOTE: you must add to this value to originX where will be added this vector
 * for example sprite.getX()+lengthdirX( 100, 45 )</b>
 * @param length
 * @param angleDirection
 * @return 
public static float lengthdirX( float length, float angleDirection )
return (float)Math.cos( angleDirection * (Math.PI/180) ) * length;


 * returns Y position of the vector determined by length and angleDirection
 * <b>NOTE: you must add to this value to originY where will be added this vector
 * for example sprite.getY()+lengthdirY( 100, 45 )</b>
 * @param length
 * @param angleDirection
 * @return 
public static float lengthdirY( float length, float angleDirection )
return (float)Math.sin( angleDirection * (Math.PI/180) ) * length;