Using GL outside listener

New to JOGL and have a simple question. It’s well documented that you’re not supposed to use getGL() outside of any GLEventListener method. I’m curious how I would go about updating textures, etc. in a multi-threaded app without having this ability.

I have a bunch of GLCanvases that I update with an array of pixels every second. Under Java2D I would just have an update( float[] pixels ) method that would insert the pixels into an offscreen image (and then a repaint() ) but with JOGL I can’t do:

public void update( float[] pixels ) {
myCanvas.getGL().glTexSubImage2D( ) <-- pass in pixels to update texture here

Hopefully this is clear enough. I’m sure this is a common situation but it’s not clear to me how to do it with JOGL. Help would be great appreciated.

hi icm9768,

there are usually two aproaches to multithreaded gl,

  1. synchronize to your resources and render

  2. or update gl in a second gl context and render as usual with first context

//gl rendering thread
render(GL gl) {
  // gl.*...

  synchronized(pixels) {
//uptate/worker/physics thread
updateTick() {

   int[] mypixels...;
  //do something cpu intensive with mypixels

  // performance critical section
  synchronized(pixels) {
    //copy mypixels to pixels

-init two gl contexts (e.g one Canvas, one 1x1pixel Pixelpuffer Context)
-render with canvas and update texture in the rendering thread of the pixelpuffer context

[edit] forgot to mention that OpenGL does not support multithreading by definition (it is a state machine, which is more or less a show stopper regarding multithreading). Thats why you cant just call gl.* of the same context from different threads.

I usually use an action queue for injecting off-render-thread changes into the render thread:

concurrent queues are the more advanced version of a synchronized block of course :stuck_out_tongue:

cylab is right, queues are the better pattern to do real concurrent rendering. But i would recommend to implement them with fixed size and let them block on overflow since halting the rendering thread or slowdowns could cause problems ;D

Thanks for the replies. Makes good sense. The application I have in mind will have a number of GLCanvases (sharing the same GLContext), each responsible for rendering a given texture. The singleton framework you provided would work in this situation (correct me if I’m wrong) but it wouldn’t if I had multiple GL contexts adding to the queue?

That is to say that unless I provide a common GLContext to each GLCanvas in the constructor, each panel would have a unique GL, and if I added to the queue with the different GL objects, it’s likely that only one of the different GL’s in the queue would be current.

The singleton was just for the simplicity in typical game like applications. You need of course create multiple instances of the queue, if you need to support different rendering targets.