Using Effects and Filters from JOAL? (Method "alGenFilters" not available)

Hi all,

We’ve managed to install JOAL 1.1.0 and run some basic stuff - positioning sources and the listener, loading wav files to play and that - it works fine once you figure out how to use everything (the JOAL javadoc is not exactly helpful…)

The thing we can’t seem to get to work is using Effects and Filters. As soon as you try to use al.alGenFilters or al.alGenEffects it gives us an error:

Exception in thread "main" Method "alGenEffects" not available at

Question: is it at all possible to actually use filters and effects from JOAL? (And if so - how?)

It seems like we’re not entirely off - al.alGetString(AL.AL_EXTENSIONS) responds with a list of available extensions:

PS - We are going to post all our code at (see the “AW navigator” project), if you’re interested in what we’re doing, check it there…

/ Fredrik Bridell & Denis Romanovski

Well an error of ‘(OpenAL method name) not available’ usually means that OpenAL method is lacking in your hardware or drivers. What sound hardware are you using, and have you installed drivers that allow the use of effects & filters? Effects and filters require the OpenAL Effects Extension (EFX), whose extension string is (I think) AL_EXT_EFX

Sorry, coming to this message a bit late.

I believe JOAL should be exposing the EFX extensions correctly. They were added on UltraQ’s request a while ago. UltraQ, you’ve been successfully using them, correct?

According to efx.h, the extension string associated with these entry points is ALC_EXT_EFX, which I don’t see in your extensions string.

Hmm, at least I thought they did work a while ago. I just tried to re-create that EFX test case I made, and got pretty much the same error when using alGenAuxiliaryEffectsSlots(): “method unavailable”.

As for the ALC_EXT_EFX string not showing-up, I think you have to use alc.alcGetString(ALC_EXTENSIONS). Although I tried that on my X-Fi just now, and all it returns is the string “None”, even though alc.alcIsExtensionPresent(device, “ALC_EXT_EFX”) returns true. Odd.

Hmm. Right now we aren’t using alcGetProcAddress / alGetProcAddress to look up entry points, but instead using the analogue of dlsym() on all platforms. I wonder whether newer versions of OpenAL require the use of these functions.

Do you think you might have a chance to look into this? The relevant code is in net/java/games/joal/impl/ It may be a little tricky to change over to using the alternate entry points; you’ll need to remove the Ignore lines for alGetProcAddress and alcGetProcAddress in joal.cfg and joal-alc.cfg, and note the comments near the Ignore statements.

I’ll give it a shot this weekend.

Arg, after all that setup and downloading, I can’t seem to build JOAL. Getting errors from the build.xml:

build.xml:696: The following error occurred while executing this line:
build.xml:513: The following error occurred while executing this line:
build.xml:478: cl failed with return code 2

That was when using vc8 as the compiler. I get a similar error using mingw (the error is at line 458 instead).

What are the errors coming from the C compiler that are emitted above this in the build log? It’s probably better if you just attach the entire build log. It builds fine on my machine with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 (VC7).

Alright, I managed to fix it up and build JOAL from the source.

Unfortunately, I seem to keep building bad DLLs:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: D:\Programming\Libraries\joal\joal_native.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
	at TestAL.main(
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: D:\Programming\Libraries\joal\joal_native.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
	at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(
	at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(
	at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
	at Method)
	... 2 more

The GlueGen and JOAL DLLs built on my machine are very different in size from the ones provided for download from the JOAL pages. I get the above error regardless of whether I’ve commented the Ignore al©GetProcAddress lines in the joal(-alc).cfg files or not.

What does “dumpbin /dependents joal_native.dll” report?

I’m guessing it’s because of the C runtime library not being visible in a directory in your PATH.

Dump of file joal_native.dll

File Type: DLL

  Image has the following dependencies:



        1000 .data
        6000 .rdata
        1000 .reloc
        4000 .text

msvcr80.dll is not on the PATH, but installed in C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.VC80.CRT_…

I went and Googled the missing msvcr80.dll issue, and it seems there was some change in VC8 / VS2005 where you have to reference the msvcr80.dll via a manifest file built into the DLL. gluegen-rt.dll and joal_native.dll did not have this manifest file (I checked using mt -inputresource:joal_native.dll;#1 -out:joal_native.dll.manifest for both gluegen-rt.dll and joal_native.dll), even though a manifest was generated during in /build/obj.
Anyway, I fixed that (copied the manifest to the directory of javaw.exe and renamed it javaw.exe.manifest).

I also had to fix a compile error in some of the generated java files, but it was an easy fix (couldn’t resolve ByteBuffer and ByteOrder in 2 lines of

After all that, I still get Method “alGenAuxiliaryEffectSlots” not available in my test class after commenting the Ignore al©GetProcAddress line in the joal(-alc).cfg files and building JOAL. Is there more to it than just commenting-out those lines?

Yes, there’s more to it. Class defines how the procedure addresses for the various OpenAL entry points are looked up. Note that right now it’s using the GlueGen NativeLibrary class to do the lookup. The question is whether this can be changed to use alGetProcAddress / alcGetProcAddress. There may be a bootstrapping issue where alGetProcAddress / alcGetProcAddress may need to be looked up first using the NativeLibrary class, because otherwise their procedure addresses won’t be available. Take a look at the generated code and let me know if you need help understanding what’s going on in the generated glue code. Thanks for working on this; it will be a big help to have someone else know what is going on in the autogenerated code.

Phew, finally figured it out.
You were right about the bootstrapping issues: I tried at first to use alGetProcAddress() during the standard initialization of the function lookup tables, but alGetProcAddress() wasn’t itself ready. So I just wrote another method which I called from my app, to re-populate the addresses of the EFX extensions after an AL context was created.

More bad news though; for all of the functions, the address returned by alGetProcAddress() was the same (except for 2 in the example below). Basically, it looked like this:

Looking-up EFX function pointers
 - Address of alAuxiliaryEffectSlotf: ff8b
 - Address of alAuxiliaryEffectSlotfv: ff8b
 - Address of alAuxiliaryEffectSloti: ff8b
 - Address of alAuxiliaryEffectSlotiv: ff8b
 - Address of alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots: ff8b
 - Address of alDeleteEffects: 2068
 - Address of alDeleteFilters: 2068
 - Address of alEffectf: ff8b
 - Address of alEffectfv: ff8b
 - Address of alEffecti: ff8b
 - Address of alEffectiv: ff8b
 - ...

And so on.

I noticed some comments in the ALProcAddressLookup class, mentioning that the alGetProcAddress function was broken. I took a look at the C++ demos from the OpenAL SDK which use EFX, and they manage to get their functions via alGetProcAddress, and run just fine:

// Get function pointers
alGenEffects = (LPALGENEFFECTS)alGetProcAddress("alGenEffects");
alDeleteEffects = (LPALDELETEEFFECTS )alGetProcAddress("alDeleteEffects");
alIsEffect = (LPALISEFFECT )alGetProcAddress("alIsEffect");
alEffecti = (LPALEFFECTI)alGetProcAddress("alEffecti");
alEffectiv = (LPALEFFECTIV)alGetProcAddress("alEffectiv");
alEffectf = (LPALEFFECTF)alGetProcAddress("alEffectf");
alEffectfv = (LPALEFFECTFV)alGetProcAddress("alEffectfv");

Have you tried hacking the autogenerated C code and putting in a printf down there (like printf(“alGetProcAddress(%s) = 0x%p\n”, addr):wink: to see whether the value is being inadvertently truncated somewhere along the way?

Are you sure you’re calling the function from the thread with the OpenAL context current?

Also, check to make sure you’re picking up the same OpenAL implementation from the C++ examples and from JOAL. Note that JOAL comes with its own OpenAL implementation (taken from one of the OpenAL 1.1 redistributable installers) – see make/lib/windows-i586, and this might be out of date or buggy.

Yes, the function is being used in the same thread, after the ALC.alcMakeCurrentContext() is called.
I’ve only included the joal_native.dll library, letting it find the OpenAL32.dll in my Windows\system32 directory.

The truncation was an error on my part, but even upon fixing that, the results seemed the same. The printf() did reveal a lot: the addresses read by Java are definitely not what the alcGetProcAddress() finds in the C++ code:

Looking-up EFX function pointers

C++ - alGetProcAddress = 0x0B0F8493
Java - Address of alAuxiliaryEffectSlotf: 0x8b55ff8b

C++ - alGetProcAddress = 0x0B0F8AA7
Java - Address of alAuxiliaryEffectSlotfv: 0x8b55ff8b

C++ - alGetProcAddress = 0x0B0F87BC
Java - Address of alAuxiliaryEffectSloti: 0x8b55ff8b

C++ - alGetProcAddress = 0x0B0F8DE2
Java - Address of alAuxiliaryEffectSlotiv: 0x8b55ff8b

C++ - alGetProcAddress = 0x0B0FA807
Java - Address of alDeleteAuxiliaryEffectSlots: 0x6855ff8b

C++ - alGetProcAddress = 0x0B0FA250
Java - Address of alDeleteEffects: 0x10f12068

C++ - alGetProcAddress = 0x0B0FA482
Java - Address of alDeleteFilters: 0x10f12068

C++ - alGetProcAddress = 0x0B0F7C8F
Java - Address of alEffectf: 0x8b55ff8b


Can I take a look at your changes? Probably the easiest way would be for you to file a bug with the Issue Tracker on the JOAL home page and attach the output of “cvs diff” on your workspace. You’ll need to be an Observer of the project if you aren’t already.

Yeah, another pair of eyes would be good. I’ll sort-out that project observer thing, but in the interim, here’s the changes:

The generated C++ alGetProcAddress() method, plus that printf() statement:

/*   Java->C glue code:
 *   Java package:
 *    Java method: java.nio.ByteBuffer dispatch_alGetProcAddress(java.lang.String fname)
 *     C function: ALproc alGetProcAddress(const ALchar *  fname);
Java_net_java_games_joal_impl_ALImpl_dispatch_1alGetProcAddress0__Ljava_lang_String_2J(JNIEnv *env, jobject _unused, jstring fname, jlong procAddress) {
  LPALGETPROCADDRESS ptr_alGetProcAddress;
  const char* _UTF8fname = NULL;
  ALproc _res;
  ptr_alGetProcAddress = (LPALGETPROCADDRESS) (intptr_t) procAddress;
  assert(ptr_alGetProcAddress != NULL);

  if (fname != NULL) {
      _UTF8fname = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, fname, (jboolean*)NULL);
    if (_UTF8fname == NULL) {
      (*env)->ThrowNew(env, (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError"),
                       "Failed to get UTF-8 chars for argument \"fname\" in native dispatcher for \"dispatch_alGetProcAddress\"");
      return 0;
  _res = (* ptr_alGetProcAddress) ((ALchar *) _UTF8fname);
  printf("C++ - alGetProcAddress = 0x%p\n", _res);
  if (fname != NULL) {
    (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, fname, _UTF8fname);
  if (_res == NULL) return NULL;
  return (*env)->NewDirectByteBuffer(env, _res, sizeof(ALproc));

New method in, called from my test case after an OpenAL context had been made current. Tries to set the address values in the ALProcAddressTable class using AL.alGetProcAddress()

public static void repopALProcAddrTable() {

    String addrOfPrefix = "_addressof_";
    AL al = ALFactory.getAL();
    System.out.println("\nLooking-up EFX function pointers");

    for (Field field: ALProcAddressTable.class.getFields()) {

        // Skip non-address fields
        String fieldname = field.getName();
        if (!fieldname.startsWith(addrOfPrefix)) {
        try {
            String functionname = fieldname.substring(addrOfPrefix.length());
            long fieldval = field.getLong(alTable);

            // Skip fields which have already been valued
            if (fieldval != 0) {

            // Get the address
            ByteBuffer procAddress = al.alGetProcAddress(functionname);
            long procAddressVal = 0;
            if (procAddress.limit() == 8) {
                procAddressVal = procAddress.getLong();
            else {
                procAddressVal = procAddress.getInt();
                if (procAddressVal < 0) {
                    procAddressVal -= 0xffffffff00000000L;
            System.out.println("Java - Address of " + functionname + ": 0x" + Long.toHexString(procAddressVal) + "\n");
            field.setLong(alTable, procAddressVal);
        catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to repopulate ALProcAddressTable values");

Whoa, sorry – this is very wrong. You need to specify “Opaque long ALproc” in your .cfg file.

Hi all,

I tried to use Effects and Filters from JOAL but unfortunately unsuccessfully. And that is why I want to ask you whether this bug can be fixed in a shot time (one week or two) or is it not possibly? I’m sorry if that sounds impudent but I need this framework (and above all the Effects and Filters) for my diploma.
