please do not modify your environment variables, java programs should be platform independent you don’t have to configure your platform to run your apps.
If you start a new project please use the “Simple JOGL Application” project (File | New Project… | OpenGL section) the build script will handle the cross platform JOGL deployment for you and provide a minimal OpenGL application for a easy start.
If you have a existing project and want to use JOGL do the following:
-copy jogl.jar and gluegen-rt.jar into your project (e.g myproject/lib)
-extract jogl-natives-[your system].jar and gluegen-natives-[your system].jar into the lib folder
-right click on your project > Properties > Libraries
-press “add Jar/Folder” and add jogl.jar and gluegen-rt.jar to the classpath
now you may start hacking or designing, everything should compile but it won’t run yet
-select the combo box on top of the IDE and select customize
-select “Run” and add -Djava.library.path=“lib” to the VM options (this adds the native libraries to the library path of the VM if you run your app)
just hit run and hope for the best
edit: added a screenshot