URL badly transformed in message


when trying to put this URL into a message :

http://www.lwjgl.org/forum/index. php/topic,4711.30.html

it gets automatically transformed to this when posting/previewing the message :


which doesn’t work :slight_smile:
Any idea why this is happening ?


Did you just edit the link, or why did it just change with reload?
EDIT: I should have posted a quote… :confused:

I just modified it, the first link got transformed as well … :smiley:
I now inserted a space in the first link for it not to be transformed

VERY strange thing. Because I have just first seen a link with a “,” inside it, inside a [ code ] tag, then seen the link, which gets generated when you don’t put the link inside [ code ] tags inside the [ code ] tag, and now I see everything normal, the link with a space…

Strange? or did you edit it twice?

nope, I edited only one time. Strange indeed :slight_smile:
In the post of my game where I tried to put this URL the first time, it appears allright in the code box. But if I try to modify my post, I get the transformed URL in the [ code ] tag :slight_smile:

Seems to be a nasty url rewrite rule going crazy :smiley:

this is a known, reported, low priority bug. links to external SMF sites will be rewritten.

ok, not a big deal anyway :slight_smile:

Original link as posted in OP: http://www.lwjgl.org/forum/index. php/topic,4711.30.html (Remove the space)
Testing link rewrite: http://www.lwjgl.org/forum/topics/2dgraphics-and-sound/4711/30/view.html
Testing using URL BBcode: Click me!

EDIT: Even using URL BBcode rewrites it :confused:

It rewrites everything, no matter where it is on the page.

Can’t you fiddle with the PHP code to fix that? Unless…you’re too busy making tea for Cas ;D

The whole point is that it rewrites everything - otherwise you’d toggle between SEO and non-SEO links all the time.


Search engines (including the drop down list that fills in URLs from your bookmarks and history in Firefox) give you bonus points for having search terms in the URL as well as the page text and title. http://example.com/article/some_title_here/ is preferable to http://examples.com/article.php?id=2378459329432548945