
I’m trying to go from clip space to world space and then to light clip space in a fragment shader (what you would want to do if you do shadow mapping with a deferred shader), but I can’t get it working. My generated world space coordinates don’t stand still. They get more and more misaligned the farther I move the camera from the world origin.
This is a fragment shader that only goes from clip space to world space, but it still doesn’t work very well (same problem).

uniform sampler2D depth; //The depth buffer of the scene, verified to be bound correctly and containing correct data.

uniform mat4x4 inverseProjectionMatrix, inverseViewMatrix; //Correctly set.

in vec2 position; //Interpolated from a fullscreen quad. Clip space position [-1, 1], verified to be working.

layout(location = 0) out vec4 fragColor;

void main()
    float z = texture2D(depth, texCoords).z; //Get depth (DEPTH_COMPONENT texture), verified to be working.
    vec4 eyeSpace = inverseProjectionMatrix * vec4(position.x, position.y, z, 1); 
    //eyeSpace /= eyeSpace.w; //Doesn't seem to affect it as I do a w-divide for worldSpace too.
    vec4 worldSpace = inverseViewMatrix * eyeSpace;
    worldSpace /= worldSpace.w;
    fragColor = vec4(worldSpace.xyz, 1); //Colors of the same point in world space change when the camera moves.

Am I doing something wrong?

Matrix setup:

Matrix4f.invert(projectionMatrix, null).store(matrixBuffer);
GL20.glUniformMatrix4(volumetricShader.getUniformLocation("inverseProjectionMatrix"), false, matrixBuffer);

Matrix4f.invert(viewMatrix, null).store(matrixBuffer);
GL20.glUniformMatrix4(volumetricShader.getUniformLocation("inverseViewMatrix"), false, matrixBuffer);

Jeez… Matrices are so annoying sometimes…

Jeez. Stupid OpenGL.

[quote]Step 4 : Getting to window space

Now the final stage of the transformation pipeline:
The z is transformed to the 0.0 to 1.0 range.
Compensating for this yields perfect results. -_- Seems like DirectX doesn’t do this.

Fullscreen pass

Okay, I’m drawing the following coordinates as a GL_QUAD (or as quads are deprecated, a GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP) to get a fullscreen quad:
0, 0
1, 0
1, 1
0, 1

Vertex shader:

#version 330

in vec2 inVertex;

out vec2 texCoords;

void main(){
    gl_Position = vec4(inVertex * 2 - 1, 0, 1); //Expand from [0,1] to [-1,1]
    texCoords = inVertex;

Fragment Shader:

#version 330

uniform sampler2D depth;

uniform mat4x4 inverseProjectionMatrix, inverseViewMatrix;

in vec2 texCoords;

void main()
    float z = texture2D(depth, texCoords).z; //Sample scene depth

    vec4 normalizedClipSpace = vec4(vec3(texCoords, z) * 2 - 1, 1); //Expand xyz from [0,1] to [-1, 1]
    vec4 eyeSpace = inverseProjectionMatrix * normalizedClipSpace;
    //eyeSpace /= eyeSpace.w; //If you just want eye space coordinates, uncomment this line
    vec4 worldSpace = inverseViewMatrix * eyeSpace;
    worldSpace /= worldSpace.w;
    //Do whatever you want with worldSpace...

I hope this helps someone! =D

Sorry for resurrecting old topic but I have battle with this too and I think I figured better or at least faster way to do this.

@vertex shader

v_viewRay = worldPos - camPos;

@fragment shader.

vec3 viewPos = fromEye * depth;
vec3 worldPos = viewPos + camPos;

Actually there is even better ways to do this but its dependant in which coordination system you want to do this math. More info http://mynameismjp.wordpress.com/2010/09/05/position-from-depth-3/

Currently I am doing everything in view space and got my prelight pass system work on android with real time framerates.

Yeah, getting rid of the matrix multiplication per pixel is a good idea. I can’t test it myself at the moment though since my laptop’s power jack is broken. 50 hours of abstinence and I’m already at my limit…


Full source can be found here. Maybe 6-12 months and this gonna be viable choise for mobile developing in terms of marketshare of viable devices.

Will check it out if I survive until my laptop is fixed…