Unique Music for games!

phew! i can’t believe i’ve passed your account activation check. ;D

but if it’s wrong to post here collaboration infos, let me know.

Who am I?
I’m a freelance composer, and i have experience in games among other medias.

what do I want?
I would love to collaborate with you, check out some of my music.

what can I do?
specializing in unique soundtracks for each game, I’m a multi instrumentalist with background of classical, jazz, rock, bluegrass and many more styles. i can also provide unique sound design for your game.

how much do i charge?
I know this is an indie forum, so I won’t be asking pro rates, I do have a set price but it’s calculated
by factors like X number tracks, length, complexity, research etc.
contact me and we’ll pass over the details.

thanks for listening and drop by my website!

I know I am horrible when it comes to grammar as well but please capitalize your "i"s as it makes me want to cry while reading this and it is not very professional. :clue:

Music sounds great though. ;D

Sounds very good!

Great job with the account activation check :slight_smile:

Thank you guys!

Stumpy, I guess we can call you now- ‘the all seeing “I”’ !!! ;D
kidding, I stand corrected, and I hope to get some requests from you guys, cheers.