UML tool suggestion

Perhaps this should be a poll?

Well, anyways. I was wondering if any of you that happen to draw some class diagrams, would like to recommend a neat lightweight tool for doing that. By lightweight I mean, simple without any reverse engineering stuff and enterpricing, team multi CVS system kind of tool. Something like Dezing, the ER tool by datanamic. which by the way has a cool colorful (creative) look to it. Something that would sparc up a gamedev-UML, perhaps.

Right now, I prefer doing what ever scarse UML’in on paper cause the scale of a small project simply is to little to use let’s say ‘Rational Rose’.

There’s ArgoUML.

If you look in the TOOLS category there is a whole thread devoted to this.

Suffice it to say that now, in late 2005, I’ve gone back to the latest Fujaba. Some of the ones that looked potentially good are now charging literally >> $100 for tools that used to be practically free.

And no doubt they are still mostly useless. I wonder if I will ever see a UML tool that does not slow down development considerably when it should be doing the opposite.