UK computer retailers

After 4.5 years, this Tuesday I’m finally submitting my thesis and heading off to a new life in the UK! ;D There seem to be plenty of UK locals here, so I thought I’d ask you for advice on online computer retailers.

Do you have any recommendations for cheap and reliable places to order parts? These would have to be online stores 'cause I’m nowhere near a big centre.

personally I use

A few more big ones that i’ve used.


I you are looking for bargains I suggest you keep on eye on hotukdeals; it has a large contingent of thrifty, tech-savvy contributors so consequently is a great place to find links to bargains on pc components & systems.

I’d add Maplin to the list. Dabs (linked by Abuse) have a good reputation, and the monitor I bought from them is still doing well after 3 years. My one experience with Novatech was so bad that I wouldn’t buy from them again - got a laptop, and ran into screen problems after about 6 months.

Thanks! That seems like a pretty good list for me to work through. :slight_smile:

Cool! Where are you moving to in the UK?

Middlesbrough! Voted “worst place to live” in Britain in 2007. ;D I’ve got a job at the local university there.

Lol! It’s not that bad! I’ve lived in the North for years & I love it. Yorkshiremen call it ‘God’s own country’ & sometimes I believe them…

Yeah, I’m not actually that worried about it. Lots of nice places to visit nearby, and all of Europe on the doorstep. Plus that rating was partly due to health issues, obesity, smoking and unemployment - none of which effect me. Yet. :persecutioncomplex:

I often use Ebuyer and find their prices to be very competative. That’s my recommendation.

Bizarre, I went to talk to someone a few years ago there about a job at the Uni (Digital City) - something about helping upcoming yoofs produce digital projects (games, art, video, etc). But I didn’t manage to quite get a concrete proposal out of them so I buggered off.

Cas :slight_smile: