UK Coder's Workshop, November Meet.

Here’s a quick rundown of what is involved:

The event is aimed at all creative people, from programmers and graphics artists to musicians and designers. Whether your choice of language/platform is Blitz Basic, Dark Basic, C++, JAVA/J2ME, Open GL, PC/Mac, Pure Basic (or anything else) then come along…

So far on the night there’s going to be:

  • Videogame quiz - With three sets of prizes

1st prize Nvidia gfx card (model tbc).
2nd Prize Top PC game.
3rd Prize PC Games bundle.

  • Open Q&A session with development & publishing staff from Idigicon (a well-established UK publishing company) including the Managing Director. Plus several experienced programmers from within the indie videogame scene.

  • Videogame challenge; Prizes for the highest scores.

  • Prizes for the best (previously unseen) game or demo, as voted by the attendees.

  • A free raffle to win various (Top 10) PC games and video cards to everyone who pre-registers. All you need to do is send an email to with the heading Coders Workshop and your full (real) name and where you are travelling from. You will be given your raffle ticket on the night.

  • Several PCs for you to demonstrate your creations on.

Plus anything else we can cram into the night!

It’s free to get in and there will be some complimentary food provided!

Thx :slight_smile:

Yorkshire :(.

Anyone up for one in London? Anyone care to organize it? ;D

BUMP :wink:

Don’t do that. You’ll only **** people off.

/me prefers to subtly come up with a new angle, something (anything) that excuses a bump post by being genuinely useful or interesting rather than just a cynical (and rude) bump.

Thats a helluva prize list; makes me think ‘hmmmm… how come all these online contests can’t come up with some prizes?’

Yep & the prize list is growing almost daily -

I know Idigicon are looking for J2ME games too, so some of you should come along :slight_smile:

Hope to see you soon


Mods: please delete english_eccentric’s posts? ****head.

Otherwise it’ll become open season on the stupid concept of “bump posts”.

oooh give it a rest you big baby! large sigh

I’m advertising a FREE legitimate industry event for programmers. Go and get some coding done instead of crying to “teacher”

Ho hum!

[quote]oooh give it a rest you big baby! large sigh

I’m advertising a FREE legitimate industry event for programmers. Go and get some coding done instead of crying to “teacher”

Ho hum!
OK, maybe I’m beeing a knee-jerk reactionary here. I’m getting fed up with the frequent and rampant abuse of late that’s taking this board from an SNR of something like 10000:1 down towards 100:1. No checks seem to be in place to stop a trend that is only likely to balloon.

So, perhaps I’m overreacting. Or perhaps I just really really hate posts that have “bump” in them because they are symptomatic of the crud that clogs up unregulated forums :(.

Well, I personally don’t think the offending post was really a bump. Even if it were, it’s probably not worth stressing about. But hey, there’s another four posts for the thread! ;D