Hello everyone !
This is a preview of my currently work in progress game.
It’s TwinBee (1985/86), a MSX 2D shooter game that i’m trying to implement from scratch using only standard java libraries (java 2D, Swing, AWT), so no external libraries required.
Note 1: currently it has only the 1st stage
Note 2: sorry, the score is still not working ^^’ - update 01/10/18: score just implemented
Keyboard Controls:
[Z] key: air shot
[X] key: ground shot
Thanks !
Link to download Runnable Jar [java 8]: https://github.com/leonardo-ono/Java2DTwinBeeShooterGame/raw/master/dist/JavaTwinBee.jar
Source code: https://github.com/leonardo-ono/Java2DTwinBeeShooterGame
Gameplay Video