TwinBee (1985/86) MSX 2D shooter game remake [only the 1st stage]

Hello everyone !

This is a preview of my currently work in progress game.

It’s TwinBee (1985/86), a MSX 2D shooter game that i’m trying to implement from scratch using only standard java libraries (java 2D, Swing, AWT), so no external libraries required.

Note 1: currently it has only the 1st stage
Note 2: sorry, the score is still not working ^^’ - update 01/10/18: score just implemented

Keyboard Controls:

[Z] key: air shot
[X] key: ground shot

Thanks :slight_smile: !

Link to download Runnable Jar [java 8]:

Source code:

Gameplay Video



Thats super cool! Really well done.

[quote]Note 2: sorry, the score is still not working ^^’
:’( :’(

[quote]Thats super cool!
Yeah, really definitely, indeed ;D

@ral0r2 thanks a lot :slight_smile:

@SugarBlood thanks ! i just implemented the score:

but i coudn’t test it very well, so still not sure if it is working correclty ;D

yay! Wasn’t able to watch how it works while playing though ::), but it seems to be ok :slight_smile:

hey @SugarBlood i’m really happy that at least one person has played it ! thanks a lot :slight_smile:

No problem, I really like that kinda games, so thank you too ;D

i’m always impressed to see games that look like games, I imagine it takes effort to just make the assets pleasing. Awesome!

minor comment of ur git repo, u may already know this, but usually u don’t include the build files and ide files in the repo.

@SugarBlood thanks again :slight_smile: !

@buddyBro sorry for the late reply and thanks for your comment :slight_smile: ! oh please note that i got the graphics from the original MSX game ;D About the git repo, honestly i didn’t know about it. I’ll try to fix it from the next projects , thanks again for the tips :slight_smile: