
I’m considering doing a tutorial based around JInput (a la Space Invaders, albeit not space invaders in this case) and was wondering:

a) If this is a good idea?
b) If anyone has already started and hence I don’t need to bother?
c) If anyone would rather I didn’t because they want to do it.

I was just going to do a single screen move the character round and blast random enemies type game demo thing.


Funny…that sounds kinda familiar. Not sure why ;D

That sounds v handy, I for one would like to know how to use it :slight_smile:

Seriously, I think it would be a very usefull doc to have around.


Strange that, wonder whats been playing on my mind :slight_smile: Thought it might be a nice way to build the JInput support for survivor without contaiminating the actual game and addition producing a useful tutorial…

But we shall see, any one working on this already? Come on, any takers… save me the effort :slight_smile:


i am going to write a tutorial too. but it will have a different approach than yours and IMHO 2 tutorials are better than one …

[quote]i am going to write a tutorial too. but it will have a different approach than yours and IMHO 2 tutorials are better than one …
If either of you (both?) want your tutorials on JGF, drop me an email at ceo @ grexengine.com and I’ll sort out an editor for you. Kev’s building up a bit of a monopoly on JGF tutorials at the moment :wink: so TB please go for it!

(role of editor: correct your spelling mistakes, provide feedback + corrections on bits that are hard to understand, and any grammatical errors, provide suggestions on extra paragraphs to add, or bits to explain in more detail, sanity check that your code snippets compile + execute, etc)

I’m gonna hold off for a while then, got so many things to get done atm. Nice one TB! :slight_smile:
