Turborilla Developer Diary

Turborilla (me) is currently developing the game Mad Skills Motocross, and you might be interested in checking out the developer diary. It’s a monthly thing and has been going for five months so far.

I am using jMonkeyEngine for the graphics and a bunch of other stuff you can read about in the diary entries. The latest entry (November) is all about the level editor, and has some screenshots and a video.

find them all here: http://turborilla.com/developer-diary/

Any questions? Fire away, I lurk in this forum daily :slight_smile:

WOW . Looks great ,I like the geometry stuff in the editor,and the phisics. Waiting for December . Good luck and congratulations ! :wink:

Like it lots! Can’t you make it an applet though? That way you could record player behaviour to feed to your nnet without them knowingly having to submit anything.
Keep up the good work - I look forward to challenging your AI! (but beta testers should get the game for free…) :wink:

Thank you. Glad you like it.

[quote]but beta testers should get the game for free…
Certainly. Was it the sign-up-text at the bottom of the entry that led you to believe that the beta testers would have to pay 50% of the price? If that is the case I might have to change that.

Ooh been waiting a long time for this!

Here’s an idea I picked up with some Wii game or other involving some sort of car rally game:

Award stars for stunts of different types and brilliance - 1 to 5 stars.

Cas :slight_smile:

Fantastic. The physics looks quite realistic. Great job.

[edit]: The editor is very slick. Looks like a child could use it.

[quote]Award stars for stunts of different types and brilliance - 1 to 5 stars.
I like that. I realised, once it was implemented, that my current design is not very rewarding. I’ll have to think about the “challenges” a bit more.

[quote]Looks like a child could use it.
Thanks. That was my main goal with the editor.

Sorry for necroing, but Turborilla has finally published a new entry in the Turborilla Developer Diary and that quite doesn’t deserve a new topic.

Not much has happened development-wise, but a lot in other areas. Turborilla has hired! Read all about it here: :slight_smile:

October -08 : Distractions