We are here to learn things too. That is not a problem.
The next version won’t be updated now. I will update only the source code tomorrow because it is not stable enough. This new version has some improvements :
- 2 times faster ;D
- the bots are visible even in the accelerated version!!
- the alpha test is less used to allow people with an old card to have a quite good experience
- the fullscreen mode might work on any Linux systems this time
- “xset -r off” at the start, “xset -r on” at the end in a shutdown hook for the users under Linux
However, there are some regression : - the bots run too quick!
- the keyboard answers hardly
- the bots respawn even in a cleared area when you restart
- the game uses too much memory and crashes at the start sometimes (java heap space ???)
When the game is stable, I will update the java archive too.