TritonForge || Immersion RPG/Sandbox

Can you give us a download?

I’d craft a pickaxe to that

TritonForge 0.3.2 gets put on Greenlight in August. Will be 5$

That pickaxe must be made of solid diamond and forged with plasma then… ;D

Added human generation to TF. Spent too much time just watching new types of people spawn :stuck_out_tongue:
A friend came over today and he ended up doing the same for quite some time as well haha.

This is way too amusing considering the humans don’t do anything but walk around at the moment.

Skin color, hair color and clothing color are all independant, and each characteristic is taken from a spritesheet of variations. It turned out working better than I anticipated in all honesty.

Seems like they all have nice butts.

What you could do is use a system to where you draw your sprite sheet in a grayscale, then use that information with a color chosen at random - so you have have literally millions of color combinations :slight_smile:

Had to make the butts nice man, absolutely had to. 8)

That’s exactly what I did actually with everything except skin color. Just need to add more clothing and hairstyles. Also pants, I need to make them wear pants because rn none of them are haha.

Aside from that, just thought I’d mention that I’m going on a trip to stay with my father for a while. I’ll be bringing my portable USB dev kit but I’m not sure if I’ll ever get around to popping it in a computer while I’m there. So there may or may not be any updates for around 10 days. Maybe I’ll post in the What I did today thread every once in while if I’m bored.

So farewell JGO, for now.

Got back from the trip yesterday and popped open the IDE for the first
time in just over a week today.

Added pants to the humans and uploaded a sample video.


Please note that the human animations are slower than usual due to the lag caused by the screen recorder.

You use Delta for movements and stuff?

Yeah, I just never got around to using Delta for the Human specific animations.
I tried before and it required debugging so I decided to push it off to the side for the time being.

After about 9 hours of headaches these past 2 days, shaders are useable in this game and I have began to experiment with them.

This specific water shader is a bit buggy as you will see in the bottom left, but I am happy that I finally got around to learning basic GLSL because I have been wanting to use this in projects I’ve had way back before TF but just couldn’t learn how to do it.

Aside from shaders, I’ve been brainstorming for points of interest in the game, and the first to be drawn in was a sky tower on a floating island (it can be seen in the background).

POIs like this will be accessible through portals and the “digital deep” biomes seen earlier in this thread will be recreated as independent maps accessible through tiered portals as well.

You should work on anti aliasing and smoothing the hard corners on the terrain’s edges sometime.

Topic unlocked! :point:

Summer development started once more, this post highlights some of the key additions/changes.

Among other things, I have a rough idea for the timeline of the game and the course of events too. Hopefully I can polish the engine work enough soon so that I can focus on implementing the campaign and quests

EDIT: You can choose between a small, medium, large OR custom sized world once you decide to start a new game. World Generation time has been significantly reduced, and the Garbage Collector has been tuned and no longer causes regular stutters.

Small: 3200x1200
Medium: 4800x1400
Large: 6400x1600

A large world is insanely big, take a look (player is 1x2 blocks)


That looks pretty fun to explore, but I wonder if you could apply some kind of modifier using a low frequency of noise to create more variety at a larger scale… that map looks very homogenous in general, where ever you go you are guaranteed to find similar structures of caves and resources. where ever you are, you can be sure that you can dig a few blocks in one direction and quickly find a new tunnel.

I’ve considered that, it’s definitely a good idea.
It might be good to have so many tunnels though (the get wider as you get deeper) because the biome variations are set to alter or erase many of the ones you can see atm.
Definitely will have to do something for such a big map though.

Hi all, just posting to show that I’ve brought this back (again… ik), and have begun to port it to Libgdx. Updates will be posted here and hints at what I have planned for the game’s narrative.

The physics have been completely overhauled so far and many backend systems have been made more versatile.
Next on the list is a new HUD and new world generation algorithms, then more cosmetics.

Afterwards I’ll start implementing portals and areas (the overworld will basically be a randomly generated hub world between towns and realms)


new OST for a pub or shop or town… not sure yet


Been working on TF for 12 hours today, and solved many problems.

Colored lighting now works, terrain generation algorithm has been reconfigured, and libGDX particles now work with the game properly :slight_smile:

Hows the game coming along now? This is definitely a cool project and you should keep working and finish it :slight_smile:

The vision is awesome. Before I had so much time but no ideas, and now I have so many ideas but no time/3energy.

It’s a real shame I wasn’t as efficient a developer as I am now when I was in high school. I hope to finish this some day, or at least get it to a releasable state.

I started a Twitter page for the game @tfindiegame which has even the most minute updates but other than that, I’ll still post on here every now and then when something gets done.

The good news is whenever I have a few days booked off I tend to go ham on this project hahah