There are two parts to the overlapping. First, when you draw over an existing track, it will remove the inactive one (grayed out a bit). Second, whenever a train leaves a square, the tracks switch (the active one becomes inactive and vice versa), even if the train didn’t take the active track, i.e. when it enteres the inactive track from the other side. Note that it can happen that two trains leave a square at the same time, in which case it will look like the tracks didn’t switch, because they switch twice.
Congrats to everyone who figured out all the levels. I’ve got some levels that are even more difficult. 
Yeah, level 20 is hard. I’ll probably move it further back to the ‘really hard’ section for the final version.
The middle of each square is now neutral, which hopefully avoids some of the jumping.
When it’s playing, a click anywhere will now stop it.
I’ve still got a bit over 500 bytes; I could fit undo or instructions in there, but i’ve also got some other ideas that I’d like to do… and I want to add more levels of course.