Here’s a little game I made as a spiritual successor to Towlr and Babby of Towlr. Please bear in mind that this game is not a serious entry for the J4K, and was mostly made because of a joke around the Ludum Dare irc channel.
If the sound doesn’t work, there’s a non-4kb version that includes the default java soundbank at:
Towlr4k (non-4k, with soundbank)
The idea behind Towlr is that you have to figure out the game and the goal itself. Thus, there will be no game description here. For some inspiration if you get stuck, the original two Towlr games can be found on I do urge you to try out the online (flash) version of the first Towlr. It’s an interesting puzzle game concept, and likely to leave you somewhat irritated until you figure out the trick.
The game is much less than 4kb with no optimization, because of its simplicity. It was made rather quickly as I’m short on time for most of december.