This is to announce Tower Games. “So what?” you ask. Well, our first game, Line of Muskets, is from top to bottom written in Java. And our entire system has been designed to be commercially viable.
Go to www.towergames.com to check it out.
The game allows players to find each other and fight the great battles of the American Civil War. You will find it is different to standard games in that it is (shock horror) 2D, and (gasp) turn-based.
However, the people who have tried it haven’t even mentioned this because the game definately allows people to have a great battle with each other. We know that heaps of people out there love this sort of thing and is very much an uncatered-for part of the market. Also the game is very exciting because of the human interaction.
We also see ourselves as “electronic publishers” in that other independant developers, and lovers of Java, can certainly make use of our system to have their game published.
Chris Wilkins