Toupety - the mole from space

Hello there,

I have created a game called Toupety - The mole from space, using LWJGL and phys2D, and it is released in this link where you can find all about it.
Toupety was released after three years of development, i have done everything by myself, even the graphics, music, sounds ( some from flashkit ) and programming.
To make Toupety, i developed a engine, and tools for sprite animation and scene construction. ;D

Fire Land

Lilac Forest

Mystic Montains

Wow this looks really cool, you should post some screen shots here and give some more information about the game because at first I wasn’t even going to bother, however posting those screens would make people definitely want to click. Also it wont make it seem like you are just spamming.

oh screenshots/video look pretty nice.

Would be cool if you also supported linux or provided a JWS version (maybe even Applet).

I’m working on it! ;D

Grats, been watching the blog for this for a while, nice to see it up and running! :slight_smile:


Installation: +1 point if the game installs and uninstalls correctly
Stability: +1 point if the game doesn’t crash ever
Presentation: +1 point if the game is slickly presented
Graphics: +1 point if the game has “good” graphics that suit the game
Sound: +1 point if the game has “good” sound that suit the game
Style: +1 point if the game’s overall style is “good”
Innovation: +0 points, the game felt like it was lacking anything particularly new or interesting
Fun Factor: +1 point if your judge enjoyed playing the game
Completeness: +1 point if the game is complete enough that doesn’t feel anything is missing
Freebie: +1 point if you don’t whine and you demand nothing of the mods (simply saying “can you rate my game please” is fine)


I’d recommend trying to add more to this to make it more unique. In its current iteration it is relatively uninteresting and feels a bit clunky. Could overall be smoother and have more interesting elements.

But, it is very professional looking and totally well made, great work.

Moved back to showcase section from featured section for link being a dead.

That’s sad :frowning:

Where did the OP go? :’(

DNS can’t look up the domain, so bad :frowning:

seems kappa is kicking out every dead link featured games back to origin~

Spring…errrr Winter…cleaning ;D

Well it’s quite good to keep this site well ;D