The year is 2037. The internet has spiraled out of control.
All the bugs in Windows 2035 and IE have mutated and are now swarming the atmosphere.
The internet must be destroyed!

Destroy the computers, save the world!

Left/Right/Up Arrows - Move ship.
Control - Fire
S - Start/Restart (press twice!)


All your bug graphics are very well done and detailed. I will try to finish it this evening, hoping that it will be more merciful than your other 2010 game, Quest. But as 2037 is more a shooter, it should be much more easy for me.

haha, i love the blatant hating of Microsoft lol

[quote]I will try to finish it this evening, hoping that it will be more merciful than your other 2010 game
Me merciful… Naaah! Good luck!! Let me know how you get on. Kuest is a piece of cake in comparison… Actually just completed it now for the first time, took me around an hour (with my handwritten map in front of me!). I did complete it about an hour before the deadline with my health-=1 commented out… Maybe should have been more generous with the health packs!! ::slight_smile:

[quote]haha, i love the blatant hating of Microsoft lol
Was it that obvious? Actually am still using Windows 2000 so maybe I don’t hate em that much…

Good game but I don’t understand how you can recharge your ammo, if possible? If find the moves a bit odd. I have the impression that the difficulty revolves more about hard controls then anything else.

Also, really great graphics for a 4k game. Do you generates the graphics on the fly or you have image files?

To recharge your ammo you simply pick up an ammo pack… This is a little image of space ship type thing with a white rectangular border. Health packs have a white rectangular border and a different image. (careful, though as you can shoot these accidentaly!) There are one or two on the first screen and loads scattered around the various rooms. The controls for me are really easy/intuitive… Anyone else have problems with this? i.e. Press up to move up and release up key to fall (due to gravity)… Maybe I got used to this having played similar games when younger… The difficulty ‘should’ revolve around navigating your way through the (I think about 55-60) rooms without losing your health and of course shooting the 100+ computers, making sure you get the right balance between shooting bugs to keep your health and/or not shooting them to preserve your ammo. And of course going the right route.

[quote]or you have image files
Gosh no. There are 1000s of different images in total… probably couldn’t fit in less than 200/300k… All the different wall types are generated by g.drawRect(…) and g.drawLine(…)… All the different bugs (and ship/health/ammo) are algorithmically generated. Switching between rooms generates new bug images (+ bug explosion images), so each room has unique bugs.

[quote]To recharge your ammo you simply pick up an ammo pack… This is a little image of space ship type thing with a white rectangular border.
OK, will try again.

[quote]The controls for me are really easy/intuitive… Anyone else have problems with this…
Sure they are intuitive. Anyway, I think I was tired when I tried your game. :slight_smile: