tooltip text in eclipse

I have a problem i was hoping someone can help me out with. I have developed an eclispe RCP application that uses the JOGL to display 3D models in a view. Over this view there are some buttons in a toolbar, when the cursor is helded over the buttons tooltip text is displayed which some times draws over the 3D view. When i then move the cursor away from the button then the box where the text was is not redrawn and sometimes it appears that the tooltip text is behind the 3D view. I tried installing a simple image instead of the 3D view and the problem does not occur. Can anybody help me out with this. Any help would be greatly appricieated. I am using JOGL 1.0.0 and eclispe 3.2.1


Are you using the SWT? If so how are you incorporating JOGL? Via the AWT-SWT bridge, or are you using the SWT port of JSR-231?

If you’re using Swing for the tooltips, see the section on heavyweight/lightweight issues in the JOGL User’s Guide.

I am using SWT port of JSR231 releaase 1.0.0