Titan Attacks and Ultratron are now available to all BMT affiliates

Titan Attacks and Ultratron are now available to all BMT affiliates at the industry standard commission of 30%.

For Titan Attacks download links:

For Titan Attacks Buy Now links:

For Titan Attacks screenshots and blurb:

For Ultratron download links:

For Ultratron Buy Now links:

For Ultratron screenshots and blurb:

Please feel free to contact us via our enquiry form if you need further details. Or PM me here of course.

Cas :slight_smile:

I think I used that inquiry form once but never got a reply :’( I wouldn’t mind “selling” Titan Attacks, if you are willing to do the same for my game (Plimus)?

The enquiry form isn’t 100% reliable sadly. Well, it is, but Opera’s spam filter just occasionally manages to filter them out for some unknown reason. Or at least it did until I fixed it a bit better.

You’re welcome to have a go selling Titan but I have a funny feeling our customers don’t exactly overlap…

Cas :slight_smile:

[quote]You’re welcome to have a go selling Titan but I have a funny feeling our customers don’t exactly overlap…
That’s true, but there are some that do overlap! Also, from a business point of view, our games do not compete in the same market, thus, it’s safe for you to sell mine and save for me to sell yours! We complement each other? ;D

I dunno… you’re never in competition with affiliates as such, but I’ve tried it in the past (with, say www.winterwolves.com) and they manage to sell maybe 1-2 copies a month :frowning: As you can see they write completely different sorts of games.

Have a go and see if it works for you - your best bet is a mailing list blast.

If it works, I’ll have a go punting people to yours and see how that works out.

Cas :slight_smile: