Tips for making underground caves, buildings?

Hello all!

I’m currently developing a voxel-based 2D game. I’m using int random for generating the world but for generating smooth caves I think that random amount of blocks -> air isn’t the best option so I’m not asking any source code or whatever (because I am trying to learn) but what might be the best option for generating smooth caves or random buildings. I hope it will be quickle responded because tonight I have alot of time making the generating code. I’m currently making the world by Tiles/Blocks that are 13pixels in height as in width. The best and smoothest option is always the best!


at first^^ you can’t have Voxels in only two dimensions, you can have Arxels if you want. 8)

coming back to your question, you are probably looking for noise functions. Google is ofcourse your friend, but there are many threads already on this forum on this topic.
search for: noise, perlin

Oke I will search for them, thanks alot mate!
I just love Voxels as a word I guess. but whatever


“Voxel” is an abbreviation for “volumetric pixel”. What’s an “arxel”?

VOlume X ELement
ARea X ELement :wink:

ps: just made it up, but if it becomes famous you heard it from me first :smiley:

A 2D voxel is a pixel.

If your “pixels” are themselves textured, we usually call those “tiles”.

Search the following:

“Random cave generation”
“Procedurally generated cave”
“Random room generation”
“Procedurally generated rooms”