I’m using TinySound to play my OGG files, and when I go to export the Jar file and run it, TinySound throws this error:
C:\Users\Toby\Desktop>java -jar xmasFear.jar
Unsupported audio resource!
could not get audio input stream from input URL
Unsupported audio resource!
could not get audio input stream from input URL
Unsupported audio resource!
could not get audio input stream from input URL
Unsupported audio resource!
could not get audio input stream from input URL
Unsupported audio resource!
could not get audio input stream from input URL
Unsupported audio resource!
could not get audio input stream from input URL
Unsupported audio resource!
could not get audio input stream from input URL
Unsupported audio resource!
could not get audio input stream from input URL
This is how I load my sounds:
public static Music Horde = TinySound.loadMusic("sounds/zombie_horde.ogg");
public static Music heartbeat = TinySound.loadMusic("sounds/heartbeat.ogg");
public static Music xmas = TinySound.loadMusic("sounds/merry_xmas.ogg");
public static Sound Bite = TinySound.loadSound("sounds/zombie_bite.ogg");
public static Sound ZombieKilled = TinySound.loadSound("sounds/zombie_attacked.ogg");
public static Sound itemPickup = TinySound.loadSound("sounds/item_pickup.ogg");
public static Sound powerup = TinySound.loadSound("sounds/powerup.ogg");
public static Sound hurt = TinySound.loadSound("sounds/player_hurt.ogg");
I know I need to do something different, obviously, but I don’t know what. I think I need to use a classLoader, but how would I do that?