
Who’s up for another 40x30 EGA game contest, same end date as last time (31st August)?

Last years contest was a lot of fun and we had some great entries and it would be cool if we could get an annual thing going.

So who’s interested and what if any changes should we make this time round?

I vote for having access the full 64 colors palette, instead of the 16 of 64.

Depending if you want to keep more true to EGA or make it more of a “tiny game” contest.

although still keeping with applet tradition, I’d like to be able to try to use javaFX2.0 applet as it offers some nice built in features regarding timing/animation/transitions/etc…

I personally would vote for 48x32 resolution.
As many devices/websites tend to idealize 960. (96x64)/2 = (48x32) for a more slight wider screen look.

I get a feeling we might have a few change requests so in a week or so I’ll add a few voting threads for some of the more popular ideas (probably anything requested by more than one person).


  • 64 colors - I would prefer this as well and we’ll probably put it to a vote.
  • 48x32 - I’d prefer to stick with the same classic screen aspect (4:3) and also be able to fit last years entries with this years on a uniform grid, but if other people think it’s a good idea we can vote on it.
  • JavaFX2.0 - I definitely think zero popup warnings for 90% of users when visiting the page is a must and I assume this rules out JavaFX.

I could be tempted. (No one’s done a vertically-scrolling shooter yet…)

The contest would definitely need an official Applet template this time though. Some of last year’s games didn’t ‘play nicely’ when they were all on the same page.

I wouldn’t be sad to see the 16 colour limit go, but wasn’t the concern originally that 64 colours might make it too easy to ‘fake’ a higher resolution through dithering, etc.?

Any chance of persuading Markus to finish Tiny Vikings this time round? 8)


I still like the idea of sticking to 16 colors/palette but allowing changing the palette either by scanline or character row. (Not that there is much chance that I’ll make an entry or anything.)

You can easily use dithering on 16 colors too, with rather nice results:

I remember from last year. :slight_smile: Very nice.
Did anyone get anything working convincingly at 40x30 resolution?

I’m not sensing a great deal of enthusiasm. :’(

Agreed, looks like we might be giving it a miss this year.

De-lurking to say that I was interested in entering this contest.

Who am I? Well, I am…umm…nobody really but it sounded like fun.

I’m still pretty new, but I’d be interested in this as well.

edit: *Deleted didnt check the dates