Tile Style (4k entry)


This is my first entry for the J4K2007.

Tile Style is a Puzzle game, your goal is to remove the maximum
number of tiles from the board before time runs out.
To remove them you must complete its four parts with the same
color. This is done by swaping adyacent triangles dragging the
mouse. Also you can rotate a tile clicking on it, the button allows
to rotate left or right.

The link to the game: Webstart

As always, bugs reports and feedback is welcome.


Edit: title

Nice game, took me a while to understand what to do, but once I understood it - it was a nice game.

I see that the game is only 3.461 bytes, so you have tons of space left. I suggest you do the following change:

Make the game like minesweeper (in windows), so…:

  • you can start a Beginner game, Intermediate and Expert (3 difficulity levels) … that is, so you can choose fewer tiles or many tiles.
  • when you remove a tile then no new tile should appear, goal should be to remove all the tiles
  • there should be no time limit, rather make the time count from 0 … so the challenge would be to finish it in as shortest time. I like to take my time to solve puzzles…annoying that I have to start all over again because of a predefined time limit.


  • Closing window not possible (ESC works though)

Thanks for the feedbak,

This is planned, board size and colors would increase with the difficulty.

To do this, I would have to generate boards that can be solved. (Currently it’s only random generation).

As avobe is necesary to change the goal to change the restriction.

Less bytes than a windowListener.


I think having a equal number of colored triangles (distributed randomly) you should be able to solve the puzzle. So, if there are 100 tiles, and 4 colors… then you should have 25 triangles for each color.

I think there is something like JFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE).

The only problem that I see now is if the board has solution, you can always complete the puzzle.
There aren’t dead ends (like Free Cell, where all the games has solution, but you can lock yourself).
You cannot lose. So the goal is solving the puzzle in minimum time / minimum moves.
I can do another entry with the rules reversed. :wink:

Forgot that. may it be because I’m using awt.Frame.


Regarding listening for the window closing event…

if you control the awt event delivery system using enableEvents(long eventsToEnable),
and processEvent(AWTEvent e) you can handle all kinds of awt events, with very little size overhead.

New (and last) version.

Added the close window event . (Thanks Abuse)

Now the window can be resized to make the tiles bigger, this feature is for people with
bigger screen resolution where the tiles may become small.
