So, I’ve tested the skills to the degree that I’m ready to take on a full project that will ultimately be published as a freemium game focused on android, with a PC port.
I started looking at the metrics for android games, and card, board, and puzzle games are the overwhelming majority of downloads. With both ideas I had brewing tied for a distant second… Strategy and platforming. Not great news, AND no help for the decision.
I’ve been casually writing and sketching stuff because I had anticipated that the project that I just wrapped up, technically complete minus the story and balancing type stuff, but that’s down to filling out the scripts more than anything, and the stories can either play out as a metroidvania style OR something like If Starcraft had a baby with a rogue game…
Is anyone willing to offer pointers of which way to lean? Any elaborating questions?
I know the android market is saturated, but it’s a blend between triple A games that are cash grabs and crap for the google ads…
Anyway, appreciate any pointers.