Hey everyone!
Keep in mind as you read this post
I personally do not have much experience. I’m somewhat a noob but I know what I’m doing from time to time.
Now on with the post…
I am currently a solo developer on a Java2D game, ElementsOnline. Allow me to explain a little about it.
ElementsOnline was originally called Elements2D. The initial idea was to create my own 2D version of Minecraft, having it function exactly like it but be single-player only. Then, my mind began to wander. Why not create that, but make it entirely online and include many more features and additions? You’ll be able to build, create, invent as per-usual. But, different aspects of RPG’s will be added such as skills, some sort of leveling system(hopefully not the generic “Level 1, Level 2, etc,.” system because that gets old real fast and no I don’t plan on using the weird EXP system in Minecraft.), etc,. I currently do not have too many other ideas as I’m still in the process of coding the actual game itself so I can’t allow my mind to become cluttered with future ideas.
So this is where TheGreyLab comes in… I am recruiting a team of people who would be willing to help. Here’s some information about the game code/logic itself (This may be updated when necessary.):
- I am not using any libraries. It’s all being coded from scratch. This is my first real game and I found it best to learn it all from scratch before using libraries. There is not much learning to be done from libraries.
- The game code currently isn’t very optimized and is quite messy. Most, if not all of the code in ElementsOnline is currently still boiler plate even though I have been developing it for around 3-4 months. I’m just getting the basic functionality down.
Now. I don’t really need coders, yet. This is not me being selfish, I just like to learn at my own pace. This project will be open-source on GitHub so, if anyone would like to offer suggestions for the project, I’d be more than happy to review them. Just know, no merge requests will be accepted as of right now or anytime in the near future but if I do use and incorporate your suggestion, I will of course give full credit to that person. Both in the game code and on GitHub.
That being said, I am allowing coders to apply for future projects or even for ElementsOnline if things get much too rough for myself. They just aren’t absolutely needed as of right now.
I’m mainly looking for artists who would be willing to create the following:
- Sprites
- Textures
- Splash screens
- Images, icons, etc,.
There is something I need to point out if it’s not already obvious by it being open source. No one on the team will be getting paid for the work they do. It’s purely for fun. Everyone on the team is equal in all aspects and they will have my gratitude and respect.
Requirements for joining the team:(Subject to change.)
- Must have a GitHub account.
- Must have Skype. A mic and webcam are not necessary. Chatting will be the main form of communication.
- Be a team player. Again, no one is better than anyone else.
- Patience. This is a must. I’m developing ElementsOnline at quite a slow pace because I am still in high school as well as the project being from scratch.
- Must be able to provide some sort of prior work, no matter how little just so I know what sort of skill I’ll be working with.
I do not have an application for anyone to fill out, just add me on Skype(the name is below) and we’ll chat about it.
The contents of this post are subject to change so keep a lookout on it.
My Skype: xolitudemodz
My GitHub: Xolitude
Thank you for reading!